1972 - 1974 Undergraduate student, Department of Grassland Science,
Gansu Agricultural University, China.
1978 - 1981 Postgraduate student (M.Agr.Sci. equivalent),
Department of Grassland Science,
Gansu Agricultural University, China.
1986 - 1989 Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Science, Massey University,
and AgResearch (then Grassalands Division, DSIR), Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Feb. 1969 - March 1972 Tractor driver, technicial worker in grassland improvement,
State Horse Farm, Shandan County, Gansu Province, China.
Jan. 1975-Sep. 1978 Agricultural Extension Officer in herbage seed production,
forage crop evaluation and grassland improvement.
State Horse Farm, Shandan County, Gansu Province, China.
Dec. 1981-Dec. 2001 Junior Lecturer (1982-1984), Lecturer (1985 - 1991),
Associate Professor (1992-1996) and Professor (1997-),
and Deputy Director (In charge of research and international
collaboration) of GGERI (1993-)
Jan. 2002 – June 2012 Professor and Dean,
College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology,
Lanzhou University, and Director of GGERI
Jan. 2012-Jan 2018 Director of State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems
Jan. 2018-Present Director of Academic committee of State Key Laboratory
of Grassland Agro-ecosystems 20
Research and teaching
Professor Nan is one of the leading research scientists in the field of grassland science in China. He worked in the areas related to grassland and livestock production since 1969 as a worker, field technician, extension officer, and researcher and lecturer. His research fields including restoration of degraded rangeland, forage crops breeding, grass endophyte research and disease management of forage crops and turfgrass. Since 1984, he has published more than 320 research papers including about 100 papers published in English in international journals, and 4 book chapters. As editor or co-editor he has published two books and two proceedings, and as guest editor he has edited one special issue of Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, edited one special issue of The Rangeland Journal (with Ken Hodgkinson), one special section of Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment (with Murray Unkovich).
He has been invited as keynote speaker or chairman at various international conference including the 4th International Symposium on Fungal Endophyte and Grasses Interaction held in Soest, Germany, in 2000; the 19th International Grassland Congress held in Brazil in 2001; the First and the 3rd China-Japan-Korean Grassland Conference held in Hiroshima, Japan, in 2004, and in Seoul, South Korea in 2009, respectively; the 4th International Symposium of Forage Breeding held in Melbourne, Australia; He Chaired The 8th International Symposium on Fungal Endophyte of Grasses (ISFEG) held in Lanzhou, China, in 2012, this is the first time that the ISFEG was held out of America and Europe. Under his leadership two research projects have been awarded the national prize by the State Council of China in 1999 and 2008, respectively, for the science innovation and significance in promoting grassland husbandry development in China.
Currently, as the project leader, he and his team are implementing a varies research project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Chinese Academy of Engineering. Professor Nan is an excellent lecturer and supervisor. He has supervised about 71 post graduate students including Master and PhD students. One of his PhD student’s thesis has been awarded One of the 100 Excellent PhD theses in China, and himself was awarded as Excellent PhD supervisor in China in 2009 by the Ministry of Education of China. Under Professor Ren Jizhou and his leadership, the teaching team in the College for the undergraduate students was awarded one of the two best teaching team among more than 1900 teams in all disciplines in Chinese Universities in China in 2009.
Professor Nan has obtained international recognition in the circle of grassland science. He has established strong network among leading agricultural research groups, particularly in Australia. Under his leadership Professor Nan had several Australia/China collaborative projects during the last decade supported by Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). In negotiating and implementing the these projects Professor Nan visited Australia many times and established a significant network involving key Australian agricultural research groups in several Australian States. He also established collaboration with research groups in the USA (Texas Tech Univesity) and in New Zealand (Massey University and AgResearch). Since 2000 he has been worked with three successive Chairpersons of the International Grassland Congress (IGC) Continuing Committee (Dr Bob Clements, 1997-2001), Dr Vivien Allen (2001-2005) and Dr Gavin Sheath (2005-2008), and with high-placed representatives of the International Rangeland Congress (IRC) Continuing Committee. He played a key role in negotiating for China to host the 21stIGC/8th IRC, in developing the Congress program and in organizing the Congress. He has worked or studied in the various organizations in different countries listed below
Feb. 1984-Feb 1985 Visiting Scientist, Seed Technology Centre, Massey University, and Plant Diseases Division, DSIR, New Zealand.
Sept.1986-Nov. 1989 PhD student, Massey University, and DSIR Grassland Division, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Aug. - Oct. 1993 Visiting scientist, Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Harrow, Ontario, Canada.
Sept.1995 - Sept.1996 Visiting Scientist, Forage Genetics Resources Project,
Conservation of Biodiversity Programme, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Jan. – April 1999 STA Fellow, Department of Environment, Japanese National Grassland Research Institute, Tochigi, Japan
1992 -1993 FAO forage consultant for World Food Programme (WFP) 2817 Project "Development of livestock production through irrigation in Xinjinag Uighur Autonomous Region, China".
August 1994 Grassland improvement consultant for Tibetan Agricultural Department..
1994 - 1995 Grassland improvement consultant for Shanxi Province, China.
October 2009 Final Reviewer for the project entitled “Promotion of conservation agriculture using permanent raised beds in irrigated cropping in the Hexi Corridor, Gansu, China” supported by ACIAR (LWR/2002/094)
Member: Continuing Committee of International Grassland Congress (2008-2016)
Member: Grazing Terminology Committee, an international group of grassland scientists working to provide global agreement on terms and definitions used in grassland research.(2006-)
Member: National Science Awards Evaluation Panel in Animal and Grassland Science of China (2000-)
Member: Project Evaluation and Selection Panel in Animal and Grassland Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (1994-2002, 2008-)
Vice President and honory President: Chinese Grassland Society (2001 -)
Vice President: Organizing Committee, the 21stIGC/8th IRC (2005-2008)
Chairman: Scientific Committee, the 21stIGC/8th IRC (2005-2008)
Chairman: 8thISFEG (2008-2012)
Vice President: Ecological Society of Gansu Province (2001-)
Editor in Chief: Acta Prataculturae Sinica (the national research journal in grassland science in China) (2004-)
Deputy Editor in Chief: Acta Ecologica Sinica (2013)
Member in Editorial Board: Grassland Science, a SCI cited journal edited by Japanese Grassland Society and published by Wiley-Blackwell.
The Rangeland Journal published by the CSIRO
Member in Editorial Board: Journal of Chinese Science Life Science, and Journal of Desert Research, and other 5 grassland journals in China
Gao Peng , Duan Ting-Yu , Nan Zhi-Biao , Christensen Michael J. ,Liu Qi-Tang , Meng Fan-Jie, Huang Jing-Feng . The influence of irrigation frequency on the occurrence of rust disease (Melampsora apocyni) and determination of the optimum irrigation regime in organic Apocynum venetum production. Agricultural Water Management (2018), https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2018.04.026
Liu Ying, Wang Chenggang, Tang Zeng and Nan Zhibiao. Will farmland transfer reduce grain acreage? Evidence from Gansu province, China. China Agricultural Economic Review.2018. Vol. 10 No. 2, 277-292
Liu Ying, Wang Chenggang, Tang Zeng and Nan Zhibiao. Farmland rental and productivity of wheat and maize: an empirical study in Gansu, China. Sustainability. 2017,9,1678;doi:10.3390/su9101678.
Yubing Fan, Seong Park & Zhibiao Nan. Participatory water management and adoption of micro-irrigation systems: smallholder farmers in arid north-western China. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 2017.DOI:10.1080/07900627.2017.1400424
Chen Tao, Nan Zhibaio, Zhang Xingxu, Hou Fujiang, Michael Christensen, Carol Baskin. Does dormancy protect seeds against attack by the pathogenic fungus Fusarium tricinctum in a semiarid grassland of Northwest China? Plant Soil. DOI 10.1007/s11104-017-3420-9
Chen Tao, Zhang Yawen, Nan Zhibiao. Grazing Intensity Affects Communities of Culturable Rootassociated Fungi in a Semiarid Grassland of Northwest China. land degradation & development. 10.1002/ldr.2773
Gao Peng, Duan Tingyu, Michael J. Christensen, Nan Zhibiao. Occurrence of the rust disease (Melampsora apocyni) and the biochemical and physiological responses on Apocynum venetum under different soil water level. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2017(Online, DOI: doi. org/ 10. 1007 /s 10658 – 017 -1299-1
Chen Tao,Michael Christensen , Nan Zhibiao *, Hou Fujiang.Effects of grazing intensity on seed size, germination and fungal colonization of Lespedeza davurica in a semi-arid grassland of northwest China. Journal of Arid Environments.2017,144, 91-97
Song Hui, Gao Hongjuan, Liu Jing, Tian pei, Nan Zhibiao. Comprehensive analysis of correlations among codon usage bias, gene expression, and substitution rate in Arachis duranensis and Arachis ipaënsis orthologs. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7: 14853.Doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-13981-1
94. Song Hui, Liu Jing, Song Qiuyan, Zhang Qingping, Tian Pei and Nan Zhibiao (2017). Comprehensive analysis of codon usage bias in seven Epichloe species and their peramine-coding genes. Frontiers in Microbiology. 8: 1419. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01419
Gao Peng., Duan Tingyu., Nan Zhibiao. Alternaria catharanthicola causes black leaf spot of Apocynum venetum in China. Plant Disease, 2017, 101(4): 634
Huang Yafeng., Gao Xiaoli, Nan Zhibiao* and Z.X. Zhang. Potential value of the common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) as an animal feedstuff: a review. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 2017,101:807-823.DOI: 10.1111/jpn.12617
Song Qiuyan, Yu, H.-T., Zhang Xingxu, Nan, Zhibiao., & Gao, K. Dahurelmusin A, a ybrid Peptide–Polyketide from Elymus dahuricus Infected by the Epichloë bromicola ndophyte. Organic letters. 2017, 19, 298-300.
Zhang, Zhixin, Jeremy PM Whish, Lindsay W. Bell, and Zhibiao Nan. Forage production, quality and water-use-efficiency of four warm-season annual crops at three sowing times in the Loess Plateau region of China. European Journal of Agronomy 84 (2017): 84-94. Doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2016.12.008
Wu Zhang, Jinxiang Liu, Pinghui Huo, Zhibiao Nan*. Curvularia lunata causes a leaf spot on Carpetgrass (Axonopus compressus) in China. Plant Disease. 2016 101 (3):507 (2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-16-1354-PDN.
Yao Xiang, Fan Yubing, Chai Qing, Johnson Richard D., Nan Zhibiao and Li Chunjie. Modification of Susceptible and Toxic Herbs on Grassland Disease. Scientific Reports. 6, 30635; doi: 10.1038/srep30635 (2016).
Chen Tao, Michael Christensen, Nan Zhibiao, Hou Fujiang. The effects of different intensities of long-term grazing on the direction and strength of plant–soil feedback in a semiarid grassland of Northwest China. Plant Soil. 2017. 413 303-307.
Xia Chao, Li Nana,Zhang Xingxu, Feng Yao, Christensen Michael J., Nan Zhibiao. An Epichloë endophyte improves photosynthetic ability and dry matter production of its host Achnatherum inebrians infected by Blumeria graminis under various soil water conditions. Fungal Ecology.2016. 22: 26-34
Song Hui, Nan Zhibiao, Song Qiuyan, Xia Chao, Li Xiuzhang, Yao Xiang, Xu Wenbo, Kuang Yu, Tian Pei, Zhang Qingping. Advance in research on Epichloëendophytes in Chinese native grasses. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016, 7: 1399.
Li Xiuzhang, Song Hui, Kuang Yu, Chen Shuihong, Tian Pei, Li Chunjie, Nan Zhibiao. Genome-wide analysis of codon usage bias in Epichloëfestucae. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016, 17(7): 1138.
Su Junhu, Aryal A, Nan Zhibiao, et al. Climate change-induced range expansion of a subterranean rodent: implications for rangeland management in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau[J]. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(9): e0138969.
Yao Xiang, Christensen Michael J., Bao Gensheng, Zhang Chunping, Li Xiuzhang, Li Chunjie and Nan Zhibiao. A toxic endophyte-infected grass helps reverse degradation and loss of biodiversity of over-grazed grasslands in northwest China. Scientific Reports. 5, 18527; doi: 10.1038/srep18527 (2015).
Song Hui,, Song, Q.Y. Li X.Z. and Nan Zhi-Biao *. Are Epichloë endophytes specific to Elymus grass hosts? Genetics and Molecular Research. 2015,14 (4): 17463-17471
80. Song Qiu-Yan, Gao Kun * and .Highly oxygenated triterpenoids from the roots of Schisandra chinensis and their anti-inflammatory activities. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2015,pp.1-6. DOI: 10.1080/10286020.2015.1056165
Qiu-Yan Song, Nan Zhi-Biao,* Gao Kun,* Song Hui, Tian Pei, Zhang Xing-Xu, Li Chun-Jie, Xu Wen-Bo,and Li Xiu-Zhang. Antifungal, Phytotoxic, and Cytotoxic Activities of Metabolites from Epichloë bromicola, a Fungus Obtained from Elymus tangutorum Grass. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, 63: 8787−8792
Zhang Wu, Nan Zhibiao*, Tian Pei, Hu Meijiao, Gao Zhaoyin, Li Min and Liu Guodao. Microdochium paspali, a new species causing seashore paspalum disease in southern China. Mycologia, 107(1), 2015, pp. 80–89. DOI: 10.3852/14-119
Zhang Wu, Hu Meijiao, Liu Guodao, Gao Zhaoyin ,Ming Li and Nan Zhibiao*. Investigation and characterization of red thread and pink patch on warm-season turfgrasses in Hainan Province, tropical China. Eur J Plant Pathol, 2015, 141: 311-325
Song Hui, Nan Zhibiao* and Tian Pei. Phylogenetic analysis of Elymus (Poaceae) in western China. Genetics and Molecular Research,2015, 14 (4): 12228-12239
Shen Ziwei, C. Matthew, Nan Zhibiao* and Wang Yanrong.Fruit set in perennial vetch (Vicia unijuga): reproductive system and insect role in pollination. Journal of Applied Entomology. 2015,139,791–799.
Xia Chao, Zhang Xingxu, Michael J. Christensen, Nan Zhibiao*, LI Chunjie. Epichloē endophyte affects the ability of powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) to colonise drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). Fungal Ecology,2 0 1 5, 16: 26-33
Zhang Xingxu*, Xia Chao, Li ChunJie and Nan Zhibiao* Chemical composition and antifungal activity of the volatile oil from Epichloë gansuensis, endophyte- infected and non-infected Achnatherum inebrians. Science China Life Sciences. 2015,58(5):512-514
Wen Zhaohui , Duan Tingyu, Michael J. Christensen & Nan Zhibiao * Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii MB29 controls alfalfa root rot caused by Fusarium semitectum. Biocontrol Science and Technology 2015,25,( 8): 898-910
Wen Zhaohui, Duan Tingyu, Christensen, M. J., and Nan Zhibiao*. Microdochium tabacinum, confirmed as a pathogen of alfalfa in Gansu Province, China. Plant Disease. 2015,99:87-92.
Ma Minzhi,Michael J. Christensen,Zhibiao Nan∗.Effects of the endophyte Epichloë festucae var. lolii of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) on indicators of oxidative stress from pathogenic fungi during seed germination and seedling growth. Eur J Plant Pathol,2015,141:571–583
Zhang Wu, Nan ZB*, Liu GD, Hu MJ, Gao ZY, Li M. First report of leaf and sheath spot caused by waitea circinata var. zeae on Paspalum vaginatum and Zoysia tenuifolia in China. Plant Disease. 2014. 98(10): 1436 .
Zhang XingXu, Wu YanPei and Nan ZhiBiao*.Antifungal activity of petroleum ether extracts from Achnatherum inebrians infected with Neotyphodium gansuense. Science China Life Sciences. 2014,.57(12): 1234–1235
Gao Peng, Duan Tinyu and Nan Zhibiao∗. First Report of Septoria apocyni Causing Spot Blight on the Species of Apocynum venetum and Poacynum pictum in China.Plant Disease,2014,98,9: 1429.1
Fan Yubing, Chenggang Wang, Zhibiao Nan∗.Comparative evaluation of crop water use efficiency, economic analysis and net household profit simulation in arid Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management 146 (2014) 335–345
Zhang xingxu, Zhibiao Nan*, Li Chunjie and Gao Kun. Cytotoxic Effect of Ergot Alkaloids in Achnatherum inebrians Infected by the Neotyphodium gansuense Endophyte.Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62, 7419-7422.
Zhenfen Zhang & Zhibiao Nan*. Erwinia persicina, a possible new necrosis and wilt threat to forage or grain legumes production. Eur J Plant Pathol , 2014, 139: 343–352
Song Hui, Pengfei Wang, Nan Zhibiao* and Xingjun Wang. The WRKY Transcription Factor Genes in Lotus japonicus. Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Genomics Volume 2014, Article ID 420128, 15 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/420128
Song Hui, Nan Zhibiao*. Genome-wide analysis of nucleotide-binding site disease resistance genes in Medicago truncatula. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2014,59(11):1129–1138.
Zhang Wu, Nan ZB, Liu GD. First report of Limonomyces roseipellis causing pink patch on bermudagrass in south china. Plant Disease. 2013. 97(4): 561 .
Li Lihua, Wang Chenggang, Eduardo Segarra, Nan Zhibiao*. Migration, remittances, and agricultural productivity in small farming systems in Northwest China", China Agricultural Economic Review, 2013 Vol. 5 Iss: 1 pp. 5 – 23
Liu Zhipeng *, Chen Tianlong, Ma Lichao, Zhao Zhiguang, Zhao Patrick X., Nan Zhibiao, Wang* Yanrong.Global Transcriptome Sequencing Using the Illumina Platform and the Development of EST-SSR Markers in Autotetraploid Alfalfa. PLOS ONE.2013,8(12):1-13
Liu* Zhipeng, Ma Lichao, Nan Zhibiao, Wang* Yanrong. Comparative Transcriptional Profiling Provides Insights into the Evolution and Development of the Zygomorphic Flower of Vicia sativa (Papilionoideae). PLOS ONE.2013,8(2):1-12
Peng. Qing Qing, Li Chunjie, Nan Zhibiao. Effects of seed hydropriming on growth of Festuca sinensis infected with Neotyphodium endophyte. Funga l e Cology, 2013,6:83-91
Tang Zeng & Nan Zhibiao*, The potential of cropland soil carbon sequestration in the Loess Plateau, China. Mitig Adapt Strateg Glob Change.2013, 18:889–902.
Tang Zeng, Nan Zhibiao*, Liu J. The willingness to pay for irrigation water: a case study in northwest China. Global NEST Journal,2013,15(1): 76-84.
Zhang Zhenfen , Nan Zhibiao *. Occurrence of lucerne seed-borne Enterobacter cloacae sprout decay in Gansu Province of China. Eur J Plant Pathol, 2013,135(1):5-9.
Chen Jia, Li Ya, Yang Li-Qiong, Li Yan-Zhong, Nan* Zhi-Biao, Gao* Kun.Biological activities of flavonoids from pathogenic-infected Astragalus adsurgens. Food Chemistry ,2012, (131) 546–551
Mao Zhu-xin, Fu* Hua *, Nan Zhi-biao, Wang Jing, Wan Chang-gui. Fatty acid content of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) in different regions of Northwest China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology.2012, 44,347–351.
Tang Zeng, Shi YuLan, Nan ZhiBiao*, Xu ZhongMin. The economic potential of payments for ecosystem services in water conservation: a case study in the upper reaches of Shiyang River basin, northwest China. Environment and Development Economics,2012, 17: 445–460
Yu Bin. Hua., Nan* ZhiBiao, Li Y. Z., and Lin H. L. Resistance of standing milkvetch (Astragalus adsurgens) varieties to Embellisia astragali. Crop & Pasture Science, 2012, 63, 351–359
Zhang Wu, Nan* Z.B., Liu G..D.. First report of Laetisaria fuciformis causing red thread on seas hore Paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) in south China. Plant Disease, 2012, 96(9):1374.
Zhang XingXu, Li ChunJie, Nan ZhiBiao. Effects of cadmium stress on seed germination and seedling growth of Elymus dahuricus infected with the Neotyphodium endophyte. Science China Life Sciences, 2012, 55(9):793-799
Zhang Xing Xu, Li ChunJie, Nan ZhiBiao.Neotyphodium endophyte increases drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians)resistance to pests. Weed Research, 2012, 52(1):70-78.
Duan Tingyu, Evelina Facelli, Sally Smith, Andrew Smith, Nan Zhibiao*.Differential effects of soil disturbance and plant residue retention on function of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis are not reflected in colonization of roots or hyphal development in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011,43(3). 571-578.(SCI,1区,IF:2.978)
Liu Tianzeng, Nan Zhibiao*, Hou Fujiang. Grazing intensity effects on soil nitrogen mineralization in semi-arid grassland on the Loess Plateau of northern China. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst ,2011, 91:67–75
Liu Tianzeng, Nan Zhibiao*and Hou Fujiang. Culturable autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria population and nitrification potential in a sheep grazing intensity gradient in a grassland on the Loess Plateau of Northwest China. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 2011.91(6):925-934
Zhang Jiyu, Ulrik P. Johnb, Yanrong Wang, Xi Li, Dilini Gunawardana, Renata M. Polotnianka, German C. Spangenberg, Zhibiao Nan∗.Targeted mining of drought stress-responsive genes from EST resources in Cleistogenes songorica. Journal of Plant Physiology 2011. 68: 1844–1851
Zhang XingXu, Li ChunJie, Nan ZhiBiao. Effects of cutting frequency and height on alkaloid production in endophyte-infected drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). Science China Life Sciences, 2011, 54(6):567-571.
Zhang Xing-xu, Li Chun-jie, Nan Zhi-biao. Effects of salt and drought stress on alkaloid production in endophyteinfected Drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology , 2011 (39): 471–476
Duan T.Y., Shen Y.Y. Facelli E. Smith S, Nan Z. B*..New agricultural practices in the Loess Plateau of China do not reduce colonisation by arbuscular mycorrhizal or root invading fungi and do not carry a yield penalty. Plant and Soil, 2010,331:265-275
Zhang Xingxu, Fan Xiaomei, Li Chunjie and Nan Zhibiao. Effects of cadmium stress on seed germination, seedling growth and antioxidative enzymes in Achnatherum inebrians plants infected with a Neotyphodium endophyte. Plant Growth Regul. 2010,60(2):91-97.
Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie, Nan Zhibiao. Effects of cadmium stress on growth and anti-oxidative systems in Achnatherum inebrians symbiotic with Neotyphodium gansuense. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010, 175: 703-709.
Zhang, Y.P. and Nan, Z.B*. Germination and seedling anti-oxidative enzymes of endophyte-infected populations of Elymus dahuricus under osmotic stress, Seed Sci. & Technol,2010,38, 522-527
Li Chunjie, Wang Z. F., Chen N. and Nan Z. B.. Report of choke disease caused by Epichloë typhina on orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata) in China. Plant Disease. 2009,93(6):673
Li Yanzhong,Nan Z.B*.Nutritional study on Embellisia astragali, a fungal pathogen of milk vetch (Astragalus adsurgens). Antonie van Leeuwenhoek,2009,95(3):275-284
Yu Yingwen, Nan Zhibiao* , Hou Fujiang, Matthew Cory. Response of Stipa bungeana and Pennisetum flaccidum to urine of sheep in steppe grassland of north-western China. Grass and Forage Science,2009,64:395-400
Chen Na,Yang Yang,Li Chunjie,Nan Zhi-Biao. Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Achnatherum sibiricum (Poaceae). Conserv Genet,2008,9:1699–1701
Hou F.J., Nan Z.B., Xie Y. Z., Li X. L., Lin H. L. and Ren J. Z.. Integrated crop-livestock production systems in China. The Rangeland Journal, 2008, 30: 221-231
Hu X.W., Wang Y.R., Wu Y.P., Nan Z.B., Baskin C.C. Role of the lens in physical dormancy in seeds of Sophora alopecuroides L.(Fabaceae)from northwest China. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 2008, 59(6):1-7.
Li Chunjie,Nan Z.B.* and Li F. Biological and physiological characteristics of Neotyphodium gansuense symbiotic with Achnatherum inebrians. Microbiological Research,2008,163 (4): 431-440
Li Yanzhong,Nan Z.B*. First report of yellow stunt and root rot of standing milkvetch caused by Embellisia sp. from China. Plant Pathology,2008,8:780
Murray Unkovich,Nan Zhibiao. Problems and prospects of grassland agroecosystems in western China. Agriculture,Ecosystems & Environment,2008,124:1-2
Nan Z.B. and Hodgknson K.C. Grasslands and rangelands of China: systems, connectivity, environment and development. The Rangeland Journal, 2008,30:197-198
Tian Pei,Nan Z.B*,Li Chunjie, German Spangenberg. Effect of the endophyte Neotyphodium lolii on susceptibility and host physiological response of perennial ryegrass to fungal pathogens. European Journal of Plant Pathology,2008,122: 593-602
Yin Yali,Nan Z.B.*,Li Chunjie,Hou Fujiang. Root-invading fungi of milk vetch on the Loess Plateau, China. Agriculture,Ecosystems & Environment,2008,124:51-59
Yu Yingwen, Nan Z.B.*, C. Matthew. Population relationships of perennial ryegrass and white clover mixtures under differing grazing intensities. Agriculture,Ecosystems & Environment,2008,124:40-50
Li Chunjie,Gao Jiahui, Nan Z.B*. Interactions of Neotyphodium gansuense,Achnatherum inebrians and plant-pathogenic fungi. Mycological Research 2007,111: 1220-1227
Li Yanzhong, Nan Z.B* and Hou Fujiang. The roles of an Embellisia sp. causing yellow stunt and root rot of Astragalus adsurgens and other fungi in the decline of legume pastures in northern China. Australasian Plant Pathology,2007,36:397-402
Li Yanzhong,Nan Z.B*. Symptomology and etiology of a new disease,yellow stunt,and root rot of standing milkvetch caused by Embellisia sp. in Northern China. Mycopathologia,2007,163(6):327-334
Li Yanzhong,Nan Z.B*.A new species,Embellisia astragali sp. Nov.,causing standing milk-vetch disease in China. Mycologia,2007,99(3),406-411
Zhang J. Y.,Yuan Q. H.,Meng Y. Q.,X. L. Li,Nan Z. B.,Wang Y. R.,W. S. Zhang. A genetic diversity analysis of wild Lespedeza populations based on morphological characters,allozyme and RAPD methods. Plant Breeding. 2007,126 (1) :89-94
Zhang Yuping and Nan Z.B*.Distribution of Epichole endophytes in Chinese popultions of Elymus dahuricus and variation in peramine levels. Symbiosis,2007,43:13-19.
Zhang Yuping,Nan Z.B*.Growth and anti-oxidative systems changes in Elymus dahuricus is affected by Neotyphodium endophyte under contrasting water availability. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 2007,193:377—386
Chai Qi,Zheng Gang Guo,Ren Ji Zhou,Nan Zhi Biao *. Assessment of drought resistance of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) varieties at seedling stage New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science,2006,34:319-328
Nan Z.B.,A.M.Abd EL-Moneim,A.Larbi and Nie Bin. Productivity of vetches (Vicia spp.) under alpine grassland conditions in China. Tropical Grasslands,2006 40: 177-182.
Nan Z.B. The grassland farming system and sustainable agricultural development in China,Grassland Science,2005,51(1):15-19
Li Chunjie,Nan Z.B*.,Volker H. Paul,Perter D. Dapprich and Liu Yong. A new Neotyphodium species symbiotic with drunken hores grass (Achnatherum inebrians) in China. Mycotaxon,2004,90(1):141-147
Wang Y. R.,Yu L,Nan Z. B. Vigor tests used to rank seed lot quality and predict field emergence in four forage species. Crop Science,2004,14: 535-541
Nan Z. B., Hanson J. and Yeshi W. M. Effects of sulphuric acid and hot water treatments on seedborne fungi and germination of Stylosanthes hamata, S. guianensis and S. scabra. Seed Science and Technology, 1998, 26:33-43
Nan Z. B. and Hanson J. Detection of seedborne fungi in Stylosanthes hamata, S. guianensis and S. scabra. Seed Science and Technology, 1998, 26:333-345
Wang Y.R., L. Yu and Nan Z.B. Use of seed vigour tests to predict field emergence of Iucerne (Medicago sativa).New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research,1996,39:255-262
Nan Z.B. Fungicide seed treatments of sainfoin control seed–borne and root–invading fungi. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research,1995,38:413–420
Nan Z.B.,P.G. Long, R.A. Skipp and D.H. Hopcroft. Microscopy of invasion of red clover roots by Trichocladium basicola, and effects of benomyl and prochloraz. Plant Pathology,1992,41:449-461
Nan Z.B.,P.G. Long,R.A. Skipp. Use of prochloraz and benomyl drenches to assess the effects of fungal root pathogens on growth of red clover under field conditions. Australasian Plant Pathology 1992,21: 98-103.
Nan Z.B.,Skipp R.A.,Long P.G. A root maceration method for studying fungal invasion in the root rot complex of red clover. Australasian Plant Pathology,1991,20:9–13.
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The National Key Basic Research Program (973 Program), “The biological basis for stress tolerance, higher quality and higher yield of main forage and native plants in China”(2014-2017). Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, China.
The Basic Scientific Information Collecting Program, “The current status of grassland degradation for key region of temperate grassland in China and its causes”(2012-2016).Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, China.
China Agriculture Research System (2008-2020). Supported by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China.
ACIAR Projects “Improve farmers living standards through the effective use of resources of crop - livestock system in the western China” (2007-2013). Supported by Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).