Dr. Jie Liu
Office: Room 315, Center of Grassland Microbiome, Lanzhou University,No.222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu Province, P.R.China
Professional Experience
2019-present, Young Research Professor,Center of Grassland Microbiome, Lanzhou University, China
2015-2018,Post-doctoral Fellow, Environmental Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
2011-2015,PhD,Environmental Sciences, Nankai University, China
2009-2011,MS,Environmental Engineering, Nankai University, China
2005-2009,BS,Environmental Engineering,Hunan University of Science and Technology, China
Research Interests
Microbialbiogeography and diversity
Bioremediation of polluted soil
Physiological characteristics of ultramicrobacteria
Publications (* corresponding author)
Liu J, Li B*, Wang YY, Zhang GJ, Jiang XT, Li XY*. Passage and community changes of filterable bacteria during microfiltration of a surface water supply.Environment International2019, 131:104998.
Liu J, Tu T, Gao GH, Bartlam MG, Wang YY*. Biogeography and diversity of freshwater bacteria on a river catchment scale.Microbial Ecology2019,78 (2), 324-335.
Liu J, Zhao RX, Zhang JY, Zhang GJ, Yu K, Li XY*, Li B*. Occurrence and fate of ultramicrobacteria in a full-scale drinking water treatment plant.Frontiers in Microbiology2018,9:2922.
Liu J, Ding YL, Ma LL, Gao GH, Wang YY*. Combination of biochar and immobilized bacteria in cypermethrin-contaminated soil remediation.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation2017, 120:15-20.
Liu J, Ma D, Ma LL, Song YH, Gao GH, Wang YY*. Geographic distribution pattern of low and high nucleic acid content bacteria on a river-catchment scale.Marine and Freshwater Research2017, 68(9): 1618-1625.
Liu J, Zhao ZP, Chen CH, Cao PL, Wang YY*. In-situ features of LNA and HNA bacteria in branch ends of drinking water distribution systems.Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - Aqua2017, 66(5): 300-307.
Liu J, Hao ZY, Ma LL, Ji YR, Bartlam MG*, Wang YY*. Spatio-temporal variations of high and low nucleic acid content bacteria in an exorheic river.PLoS ONE2016, 11(4): e0153678.
Liu J, Wang JN, Gao GH, Bartlam MG*, Wang YY*. Distribution and diversity of fungi in freshwater sediments on a river catchment scale.Frontiers in Microbiology2015, 6:329.
Liu J, Yu YY, Cai Z, Bartlam MG, Wang YY*. Comparison of ITS and 18S rDNA for estimating fungal diversity using PCR-DGGE.World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology2015, 31(9):1387-1395.
Zhang JY, Zhao RX, Cao LJ, Lei YS,Liu J, Feng J, Fu WJ, Li XY, Li B*. High-efficiency biodegradation of chloramphenicol by enriched bacterial consortia: Kinetics study and bacterial community characterization.Journal of Hazardous Materials2019, 384:121344.
Cao LJ, Zhang JY, Zhao RX, Deng Y,Liu J, Fu WJ, Lei YS, Zhang T, Li XY, Li B*. Genomic characterization, kinetics, and pathways of sulfamethazine biodegradation byPaenarthrobactersp. A01.Environment International2019, 131:104961.
Guo XC, Li B*, Zhao RX, Zhang JY, Lin L, Zhang GJ, Li RH,Liu J, Li P, Li YY, Li XY. Performance and bacterial community of moving bed biofilm reactors with various biocarriers treating primary wastewater effluent with a low organic strength and low C/N ratio.BioresourceTechnology2019, 287:121424.
Li RH, Wang WJ, Li B, Zhang JY,Liu J, Zhang GJ, Guo XC, Zhang XH, Li XY*. Acidogenic phosphorus recovery from the wastewater sludge of the membrane bioreactor systems with different iron-dosing modes.BioresourceTechnology2019, 280:360-370.
Zhang GJ, Li B*, Guo F,Liu J, Luan MQ, Liu Y, Guan YT*. Taxonomic relatedness and environmental pressure synergistically drive the primary succession of biofilm microbial communities in reclaimed wastewater distribution systems.EnvironmentInternational2019, 124:25-37.
Zhao RX, Feng J,Liu J, Fu WJ, Li XY, Li B*. Deciphering of microbial community and antibiotic resistance genes in activated sludge reactors under high selective pressure of different antibiotics.WaterResearch2019, 151:388-402.
Zhang GJ, Li B*,Liu J, Luan MQ, Yue L, Jiang XT, Yu K, Guan YT*. The bacterial community significantly promotes cast iron corrosion in reclaimed wastewater distribution systems.Microbiome2018, 6(1):222.
Zhao RX, Feng J, Yin X,Liu J, Fu W, Berendonk TU, Zhang T, Li XY, Li B*. Antibiotic resistome in landfill leachate from different cities of China deciphered by metagenomic analysis.WaterResearch2018, 134:126-139.
Cheng LJ, Wang YN, Cai Z,Liu J, Yu BB, Zhou QX*. Phytoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated saline-alkali soil by wild ornamental Iridaceae species.InternationalJournalofPhytoremediation2017, 19(3):300-308.
Lv XC*, Jiang YJ,Liu J,Guo WL, Liu ZB, Zhang W, Rao PF, Ni L. Evaluation of different PCR primers for denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of fungal community structure in traditional fermentation starters used for Hong Qu glutinous rice wine.InternationalJournalofFoodMicrobiology2017, 255:58-65.
Ma LL, Mao GN,Liu J, Gao GH, Zou CL, Bartlam MG*, Wang YY*. Spatial-temporal changes of bacterioplankton community along an exhorheic river.FrontiersinMicrobiology2016, 7:250.
Li XJ, Wang X*, Zhang YY, Cheng LJ,Liu J, Li F, Gao BL, Zhou QX*. Extended petroleum hydrocarbon bioremediation in saline soil using Pt-free multianodes microbial fuel cells.RSCAdvances2014, 4(104):59803-59808.
Ma LL, Mao GN,Liu J, Yu H, Gao GH, Wang YY*. Rapid quantification of bacteria and viruses in influent, settled water, activated sludge and effluent from a wastewater treatment plant using flow cytometry.WaterScienceandTechnology2013, 68(8):1763-1769.
Hao ZY, Li L,Liu J, Ren Y, Wang L, Bartlam MG, Egli T*, Wang YY*. Genome sequence of a freshwater low-nucleic-acid-content bacterium,Betaproteobacteriumstrain CB.Genomeannouncements2013, 1(2): e0013513.
Chinese Journal
Liu J, Song YH, Zhao ZP, Wang YY*. Filterability of bacteria with low nucleic acid content in three freshwater environments.MicrobiologyChina2016, 43(9):1895-1901(inChinese).
Liu J, Song YH, Ma R, Wang YY*. Correlation of LNA and HNA bacteria based on flow cytometric characteristics.China Environmental Science2016, 36(3):865-874(in Chinese).
Wang JN, Shi YY, Zheng LY, Wang Z, Cai Z,Liu J*. Isolation and identification of petroleum degradation bacteria and interspecific interactions among fourBacillusstrains.EnvironmentalScience2015, 36(6):2245-2251(in Chinese).
Wang JN, Meng JW, Yang FX, Cai Z,Liu J*. Temporal and spatial variation of urban airborne microbes analyzed by canonical ordination methods.ChineseJournalofEcology2015, 34(9):2658-2664(in Chinese).
Liu J,Tu T, Ji YR, Wang YY*. Distribution pattern of microbial ATP-biomass in the sediment of the Songhua River basin.ChinaEnvironmentalScience2015, 35(1):171-178(in Chinese).
Liu J, Li L, Wang YY*. Distribution and ecological role of small bacteria in aquatic environments-a review.MicrobiologyChina2014, 41(10):2100-2111(in Chinese).
Liu J, Gao G H, Wang YY*. Impact of different land practice on soil microbial community in Tianjin.ActaScientiarumNaturaliumUniversitatisNankaiensis2014, 47(6):45-52(in Chinese).
Liu J, Ding YL, Feng W, Wang JY, Mao GN, Wang YY*. Isolation and molecular identification of fungi from the sediment of Songhua river, China.JournalofAgro-EnvironmentScience2013, 32(2):354-362(in Chinese).
Ding YL,Liu J, Wang YY*. Effects of biochar on microbial ecology in agriculture soil: a review.ChineseJournalofAppliedEcology2013, 24(11):3311-3317(in Chinese).