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2.Chen T., Zhang Y.W., Christensen M., Li C.H., Hou F.J., Nan Z.B.*. Grazing intensity affects communities of culturable root-associated fungi in a semiarid grassland of northwest China. Land Degradation and Development. 2018, 29(2):361-373.
3.Chen T., Nan Z.B.*, Zhang X.X., Hou F.J., Christensen M., Baskin C.. Does dormancy protect seeds against attack by the pathogenic fungusFusarium tricinctumin a semiarid grassland of Northwest China? Plant and Soil. 2018, 422(1):155-168.
4.Chen T., Christensen M., Nan Z.B.*, Hou F.J. The effects of different intensities of long-term grazing on the direction and strength of plant–soil feedback in a semiarid grassland of Northwest China. Plant and Soil. 2017, 413(1-2):303-317.
5.Chen T., Christensen M., Nan Z.B.*, Hou F.J. Effects of grazing intensity on seed size, germination and fungal colonization ofLespedeza davuricain a semi-arid grassland of northwest China. Journal of Arid Environments. 2017,144:91-97.
6.Chen T., Nan Z.B.*. Progress in effects of phytopathogens on plant communities: a review. ActaEcologicaSinica. 2015, 35(6):177-183.