王剑峰,教授,博士研究生导师。主要从事禾草内生真菌抗逆生物学、根际微生物学与植物抗逆、耐盐耐重金属促生菌的筛选及增强植物对盐/重金属胁迫耐受机制的研究。以第一或通讯作者在Journal of Hazardous Materials,Science China-Life Sciences,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry(2),Plant and Soil(8),Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,Environmental and Experimental Botany,Applied Soil Ecology,BMC Microbiology,International Journal of Molecular Sciences(2),Journal of Fungi(2)等期刊发表SCI论文26篇。担任国家林业和草原局“高山杜鹃国家创新联盟”专家委员会委员。担任Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Plant and Soil,草业科学,草业学报和干旱地区农业研究等杂志的审稿人。
1. Lanlan Chen, Jiyi Gong, Jie Jin, Li Wang, Xianlei Chen, Chao Wang, Ming Tang, Jie Liu, Zhirui Wen, Yang Yang,Jianfeng Wang*, Yin Yi* (2024) Intrinsic and extrinsic regulatory mechanisms ofPseudomonas palleronianaGZNU148 for enhancingThemeda japonicatolerance to drought stress.Plant and Soil, 1-24.
2. Li Wang, Ming Tang, Jiyi Gong, Kamran Malik, Jie Liu, Xin Kong, Xianlei Chen, Lanlan Chen, Rong Tang, Rong Zheng,Jianfeng Wang*, Yin Yi* (2024) Variations of soil metal content, soil enzyme activity and soil bacterial community inRhododendron delavayinatural shrub forest at different elevations.BMC Microbiology, 24(1): 300.
3. Jie Jin, Chao Wang, Ronggui Liu, Jiyi Gong,Jianfeng Wang*, Xueli Niu, Rong Zheng, Zhonglong Tang,Kamran Malik, Chunjie Li (2023) Soil microbial community compositions and metabolite profiles ofAchnatherum inebriansaffect phytoremediation potential in Cd contaminated soil.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 459: 132280.
4. Ming Tang, Wenpeng Hou, Jiyi Gong, Jie Jin, Kamran Malik, Chao Wang, Xin Kong, Xianlei Chen, Li Wang, Lanlan Chen, Jie Liu,Jianfeng Wang*, Yin Yi* (2023) Changes in bacterial community structure and root metabolites inThemeda japonicahabitat under slight and strong karst rocky desertification.Applied Soil Ecology,195, 105227.
5. Jie Jin,Jianfeng Wang*, Xueli Niu, Chao Wang,Kamran Malik, Chunjie Li*(2023) Integrated microbiology and metabolomics analysis reveal patterns and mechanisms of improvement theAchnatherum inebriansadaptability to N addition by endophytic fungusEpichloë gansuensis.Environmental and Experimental Botany213: 105421.
6. Chao Wang,Jianfeng Wang*, Xueli Niu, Yang Yang,Kamran Malik, Jie Jin, Chenzhou Zhao, Rong Tang, Rong Zheng, Rong Huang (2023) Phosphorus addition modifies the bacterial community structure in rhizosphere ofAchnatherum inebriansby influencing the soil properties and modulates theEpichloë gansuensis-mediated root exudate profiles.Plant and Soil491, 543-560.
7. Jie Jin, Rong Huang,Jianfeng Wang* , Chao Wang, Ronggui Liu, Hanwen Zhang, Maohua Deng, Shicai Li, Xinglu Li, Rong Tang, Chunjie Li (2022) Increase in Cd Tolerance through Seed-Borne Endophytic FungusEpichloë gansuensisAffected Root Exudates and Rhizosphere Bacterial Community ofAchnatherum inebrians.International journal ofMolecular Sciences,23(21), 13094.
8. Chao Wang, Rong Huang,Jianfeng Wang*, Jie Jin, Kamran Malik, Xueli Niu, Rong Tang, Wenpeng Hou, Chen Cheng, Yinglong Liu, Jie Liu (2022)Comprehensive Analysis of Transcriptome and Metabolome Elucidates the Molecular Regulatory Mechanism of Salt Resistance in Roots ofAchnatherum inebriansMediated byEpichloë gansuensis.Journal of Fungi,8(10), 1092.
9. Jie Liu, Jiyi Gong, Wenpeng Hou, Kamran Malik, Jie Jin, Yinglong Liu, Junhu Su,Chen Cheng, Xin Kong, Han Xiong, Xiaoxin Tang, Ming Tang,Jianfeng Wang*, Yin Yi*. (2022) Elevations change fungal communities of the bulk soil, rhizosphere and root ofRhododendron delavayiFranch (Ericaceae) by affecting soil properties in a karst area, southwest China.Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, DOI:10.1080/03650340.2022.2117302.
10. Jiyi Gong, Wenpeng Hou, Jie Liu, Kamran Malik, Xin Kong, Li Wang, Xianlei Chen, Ming Tang, Ruiqing Zhu, Chen Cheng, Yinglong Liu,Jianfeng Wang*, Yin Yi*. (2022) Effects of different land use types and soil depths on soil mineral elements, soil enzyme activity, and fungal community in karst area of southwest China.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(5), 3120.
11. Yuke Li, Jiyi Gong, Jie Liu, Wenpeng Hou, Itumeleng Moroenyane, Yinglong Liu,Jie Jin, Jie Liu, Han Xiong, Chen Cheng, Kamran Malik,Jianfeng Wang*, Yin Yi*(2022)Effects of different land use types and soil depth on soil nutrients and soil bacterial communities in a karst area, southwest China.Soil Systems6(1), 20.
12. Ming Tang, Jie Liu, Wenpeng Hou, Stubbendieck RM, Han Xiong, Jie Jin, Jiyi Gong, Chen Cheng, Xiaoxin Tang, Yinglong Liu, Zhaofeng Li,Jianfeng Wang*, Yin Yi*(2022) Structural variability in the bulk soil, rhizosphere, and root endophyte fungal communities ofThemeda japonicaplants under different grades of karst rocky desertification.Plant and Soil475, 105-122.
13. Chen Cheng,Jianfeng Wang*, Wenpeng Hou, Kamran Malik, Chengzhou Zhao, Xueli Niu, Yinglong Liu, Rong Huang, Chunjie Li, Zhibiao Nan(2021)Elucidating the molecular mechanisms by which seed-borne endophytic fungi,Epichloë gansuensis, increases the tolerance ofAchnatherum inebriansto NaCl Stress.International journal ofMolecular Sciences22(24), 13191.
14. Wenpeng Hou,Jianfeng Wang*,Michael J Christensen,Jie Liu, Yongqiang Zhang, Yinglong Liu, Chen Cheng (2021) Metabolomics insights into the mechanism by whichEpichloë gansuensisendophyte increasedAchnatherum inebrianstolerance to low nitrogen stress.Plant and Soil463, 487-508.
15. Yinglong Liu, Wenpeng Hou, Jie Jin,Michael J Christensen,Lijun Gu, Chen Cheng,Jianfeng Wang*(2021)Epichloë gansuensisincreases the tolerance ofAchnatherum inebriansto low-P stress by modulating amino acids metabolism and phosphorus utilization efficiency.Journal of Fungi7, 390.
16. Chen Cheng, Ronggui Liu, Wenpeng Hou, Michael J Christensen, Yinglong Liu,Jianfeng Wang*(2021) Effect ofEpichloë gansuensison nutrient resorption efficiency, metal ion concentrations and nutrient ratios ofAchnatherum inebriansunder various nitrogen concentrations.Molecular Plant Breeding12(32), 1-12.
17. Jianfeng Wang, Wenpeng Hou, Michael J Christensen, Chao Xia, Tao Chen, Zhixing Zhang, Zhibiao Nan*(2021) The fungal endophyteEpichloë gansuensisincreases NaCl-tolerance inAchnatherum inebriansthrough enhancing the activity of plasma membrane H+-ATPase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.Science China-Life Sciences64, 452-465.
18. Jianfeng Wang*, Wenpeng Hou, Michael J Christensen, Xiuzhang Li, Chao Xia, Chunjie Li, Zhibiao Nan*(2020) Role ofEpichloëEndophytes in Improving Host Grass Resistance Ability and Soil Properties.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry68: 6944-6955.
19. Wenpeng Hou,Jianfeng Wang*, Zhibiao Nan, Michael J Christensen, Chao Xia, Tao Chen, Zhixing Zhang, Xueli Niu (2020)Epichloë gansuensisendophyte-infection alters soil enzymes activity and soil nutrients at different growth stages ofAchnatherum inebrians.Plant and Soil455: 227-240.
20. Wenpeng Hou, Chao Xia,Michael J Christensen,Jianfeng Wang*, Xiuzhang Li, Tao Chen, Zhibiao Nan. Effect ofEpichloë gansuensisendophyte on rhizosphere bacterial communities and nutrient concentrations and ratios in the perennial grass speciesAchnatherum inebriansduring three growth seasons.Crop and Pasture Science2020; 71(12): 1050-66.
21. Jianfeng Wang, Pei Tian, Michael J. Christensen, Xingxu Zhang, Chunjie Li, Zhibiao Nan*. (2019) Effect ofEpichloëgansuensisendophyte on the activity of enzymes of nitrogen metabolism, nitrogen use efficiency and photosynthetic ability ofAchnatherum inebriansunder various NaCl concentrations.Plant and Soil, 2019, 435: 57-68.
22. Jianfeng Wang, Zhibiao Nan*, MJ Christensen, Chunjie Li. (2018) Glucose-6-phosphate ehydrogenase plays a vital role inAchnatherum inebriansplants host toEpichloë gansuensisby improving growth under nitrogen deficiency.Plant and Soil,430 (1-2):37-48.
23. Jianfeng Wang,Zhibiao Nan*, MJ Christensen, Xingxu Zhang, Pei Tian, Zhixin Zhang, Xueli Niu, Peng Gao, Tao Chen, Lixia Ma. (2018) Effect ofEpichloë gansuensisendophyte on the nitrogen metabolism, nitrogen use efficiency, and stoichiometry ofAchnatherum inebriansunder nitrogen limitation.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,66 (16):4022-4031.
24. Jianfeng Wang, Yongqiang Zhang, Ying Li, Xiaomin Wang, Zhongjuan Liu, Wenbin Nan, Chengzhou Zhao, Ping Li, Feng Wang, Jianzhong Ma, Yurong Bi*. (2016)Involvement of polar auxin transport in the inhibition toArabidopsisseedlings growth induced byStenotrophomonas maltophilia.Biologia plantarum, 60(2):299-310.
25. Jianfeng Wang, Yongqiang Zhang, Ying Li, Xiaomin Wang, Wenbin Nan, Hong Zhang, Yanfeng Hu, Chengzhou Zhao, Feng Wang, Ping Li, Hongyong Shi, Yurong Bi*. (2015) Endophytic microbeBacillussp. LZR216-regulated root development is dependent on polar auxin transport inArabidopsisseedlings.Plant Cell Report, 34(6):1075-1087.
26. Jianfeng Wang, Yongqiang Zhang, Jie Jin, Qien Li, Chenzhou Zhao, Wenbin Nan, Xiaomin Wang, Rongrong Ma, Yurong Bi*. (2018) An intact cytokinin-signaling pathway is required forBacillussp.LZR216-promoted plant growth and root system architecturealtereation inArabidopsis thalianaseedlings.Plant Growth Regulation, 84 (3):507-518.
27. 张宏*,金洁,王剑峰.(2018)生长素在微生物调控根发育过程中的作用.西北植物学报, 38 (7): 1369-1374.
28. 侯文鹏,王剑峰*. (2022)禾草Epichloë内生真菌功能的研究进展及在植物育种中的潜力.分子植物育种, 20(1): 320-333.