李欢,1989年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,2011年华中农业大学本科毕业,2014年中国科学院水生生物研究所硕士毕业,2017年中国科学院成都生物研究所博士毕业,2018年以青年研究员引进到兰州大学工作。2023年被聘为兰州大学教授。兰州大学微生物前沿与大健康研究所所长。兼中国科学院西北高原生物研究所客座研究员。在2017年获得“中国科学院院长优秀奖”。在2018年获得“优秀青年动物生理生态学工作者”。在2019年获得 “优秀青年生态学工作者”。主持国自然科学基金面上项目,青年基金项目和省级重点研发与转化等项目50余项,担任多个动物学、微生物学和环境生态学主流期刊编辑和审稿人,主要从事微生物组学与生物信息学相关研究,重点关注青藏高原特色动物肠道微生物和环境微生物的功能研究。目前在Journal of Applied Ecology, Molecular Ecology, Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Science of the Total Environment, Soil Biology and Biochemistry和Integrative Zoology等主流期刊共发表论文86篇,其中SCI论文83篇。以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文68篇,包括中科院一区论文16篇,二区论文36篇。其中大于10分的15篇,论文累积影响因子500分以上。论文累计被引高达2000余次。
2. 动物扰动对草地生态系统的影响及鼠害防控
3. 环境微生物与同一健康(One health)
4. 功能菌剂的研发和推广应用
2011/09-2014/06中国科学院水生生物研究所, 水生生物学专业,硕士,导师:王桂堂
2007/09-2011/06 华中农业大学(211,双一流高校),水族科学与技术专业,本科
5、2016-至今,国际动物学前沿期刊Journal of Animal Ecology审稿人
6、2018-至今,国际微生物学前沿期刊Frontiers in Microbiology审稿人
7、2018-至今,国际组学期刊Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics审稿人
8、2019,国际工程学期刊Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology审稿人
9、2019,国际微生物生态学期刊Microbial Ecology审稿人
10、2019,国际生态学期刊Molecular Ecology审稿人
11、2020,国际环境期刊Environmental pollution审稿人
12、2020,国际期刊Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry审稿人
13、2020,国际遗传学期刊Frontiers in genetics审稿人
14、2021, 国际兽医学期刊Frontiers in Veterinary Science副编辑
15、2021, 国际微生物期刊Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology副编辑
16、2021, 国际医学期刊Frontiers in Oncology副编辑
17、2021,国际微生物学期刊Frontiers in microbiology副编辑
19. 2021,国际环境期刊Journal of hazardous materials审稿人
20. 2021,国际环境期刊Science of the total environment审稿人
21. 2024,国际微生物期刊BMC Microbiology编委
22. 2022,《兽类学报》青年编委
23. 2024,国际植物保护期刊New Plant Protection青年编委
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,高原鼠兔肠道菌群通过胆汁酸调节宿主脂肪代谢的机理研究,32471575, 2025.1-2028.12,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,高原鼠兔扰动对土壤微生物多样性和生态系统功能的影响,42007026, 2021.1-2023.12,主持。
3. 青海省重点研发与转化计划项目,高原地区厨余垃圾发酵与生物处理技术集成示范,2023-SF-115,2023.1-2025.12,主持。
4. 中科院西部之光交叉团队项目。青藏高原啮齿动物对草地生物多样性和生态系统功能的影响。 2021.1-2023.12,主要参与人。
5. 兰州大学人才队伍建设专项经费。225000-824601,2018.3-2020.3, 30万元,主持。
6. 兰州大学优秀青年支持计划项目,黄河水兰州段主要污染物的动态监测、预警和防控, lzuyxcx-2022-172,2022.7-2024.6,主持.
7. 国家自然基金面上项目,“草鱼肠道微生物群落结构对不同食物的适应性变化机制研究”,31272706, 2013.1-2016.12,参加。
8. 中科院青海省寒区恢复生态学重点实验室开放课题. “高原鼠兔肠道微生物及代谢产物对气候变暖的响应机制”,2019-KF-03,2019.1-2020.12, 主持。
9. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金--优秀青年教师科研创新项目。“运动对中国人 肠道微生物及代谢物的影响”,lzujbky-2018-68,2018.1-2019.12,主持。
9. 横向课题。“微生物组测试分析服务”。071100137, 2019.1-2019.12,主持。
10. 横向课题。“才女虫肠道微生物组测试分析服务”, 071100139, 2019.5-2019.12,
11. 横向课题。“20190702才女虫肠道微生物组测试分析服务”, 071100143, 2019.5-2019.12,主持。
12.横向课题。“土壤微生物组测试分析服务”, (19)0505, 2019.12-2020.12,主持。
13. 横向课题。“肠道与水体微生物组测试分析服务”, (19)0583, 2019.11-2020.12, 主持。
14.横向课题。“寄生虫肠道微生物组测试分析服务”, 071100195, 2020.3-2021.12,主持。
16.横向课题。“肠道及土壤微生物组测试分析服务”,(20)0738, 2020.12-2022.12,主持。
17.横向课题。“蚯蚓肠道微生物组测试分析服务”,(20)0640, 2020.11-2021.11.
1 Mu, X., Shi, S., Hu, X., Gan, X., Han, Q., Yu, Q., ... &Li, H*. (2024). Gut microbiome and antibiotic resistance genes in plateau model animal (Ochotona curzoniae) exhibit a relative stability under cold stress.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 135472.(通讯作者, IF= 14.224,一区top期刊)
2 Wang, X., Qian, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, S., Bi, J., Shi, C., ... &Li, H*. (2024). Metagenomics reveals the potential transmission risk of resistomes from urban park environment to human.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 135387. (通讯作者, IF= 14.224,一区top期刊)
3 Yang J, Yu Q, Su W, &Li, H*. (2024). Carcass decay inhibits denitrification indirectly by regulating the microbiota and physicochemical properties in a model water system.Journal of Applied Ecology. (通讯作者, IF= 6.2,一区top期刊)
4 Qiaoling Yu, Xueqian Hu, Yuan Qian, Yu Wang, Chenwei Shi, Rui Qi, Petr Heděnec, Zhibiao Nan,Huan Li*. (2024) Virus communities rather than bacterial communities contribute more on nutrient pool in polluted aquatic environment,
Journal of Environmental Sciences, Online. (通讯作者,IF=5.9,二区期刊)
5 Sun, X., Han, B., Han, Q., Yu, Q., Wang, S., Feng, J., ... &Li, H*. (2024). Similarity of Chinese and Pakistani oral microbiome.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 117(1), 38. (通讯作者, IF= 1.8,三区期刊)
6 Jiawei Yang, Qiaoling Yu, Wanghong Su, Sijie Wang, Xiaochen Wang, Qian Han, Jiapeng Qu,Huan Li*.(2023) Metagenomics reveals elevated temperature causes nitrogen accumulation mainly by inhibiting nitrate reduction process in polluted water.Science of The Total Environment, 882, 163631.(通讯作者, IF= 10.753,一区top期刊)
7 Wanghong Su, Qiaoling Yu, Jiawei Yang, Qian Han, Sijie Wang, Petr Heděnec, Xiaochen Wang, Ruijun Wan-Yan,Huan Li*, Cadaverine and putrescine exposure influence carbon and nitrogen cycling genes in water and sediment of the Yellow River.Journal of Environmental Sciences. (通讯作者, IF= 6.796,二区top期刊)
8 Xiaochen Wang, Qian Han, Qiaoling Yu, Sijie Wang, Jiawei Yang, Wanghong Su, Ruijun Wan-Yan, Xiaofang Sun,Huan Li*. (2023) Mammalian carcass decay increases carbon storage and temporal turnover of carbon-fixing microbes in alpine meadow soil,Environmental Research, 225, 115653. (通讯作者, IF= 8.43,二区top期刊)
9 Wanghong Su, Xiaocheng Wang, Jiawei Yang, Qiaoling Yu, Xiaoshan Li, Shiheng Zhang*,Huan Li*. (2023).Multi-omics methods reveal that putrescine and cadaverine cause different degrees of enrichment of high-risk resistomes and opportunistic pathogens in the water and sediment of the Yellow River.Environmental Research, 115069.(通讯作者, IF= 8.43,二区top期刊)
10 Yang,J., Yu, Q., Su, W., Wang, S., Wang, X., Han,Q. & Li, H*. (2023).
Metagenomics reveals that temperature predicts a small proportion of
antibiotic resistomes and mobile genetic elements in polluted water.Environmental Pollution, 317.(通讯作者, IF= 9.988,二区top期刊).
11 Yu Q, Han Q, Shi S,Sun X,Wang X,Wang S,Yang J,Su Wang, Nan Z,Li H*. (2023).Metagenomics reveals the response of antibiotic resistance genes to elevated temperature in the Yellow River.Science of The Total Environment, 836:155732. (通讯作者, IF= 10.753,一区top期刊)
12 Hilal, M. G., Han, B., Yu, Q., Feng, T., Su, W., Li, X., & Li, H*. (2023). Insight into the dynamics of drinking water resistome in China.Environmental Pollution, 121185.(通讯作者, IF= 9.988,二区top期刊)
13 Han, B., Yu, Q., Wang, X., Feng, T., Long, M., & Li, H*. (2023). Copper and temperature shaped abundant and rare community assembly respectively in the Yellow River.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1-12. (通讯作者, IF= 5.56,二区,top期刊)
14 Han, Q., X. Mu, X. Gan, S. Wang, Q. Yu and H. Li *. (2024). Temperature rise alters phosphorus pool in corpse polluted water by inhibiting organic phosphorus mineralization and phosphorus transports.Journal of Cleaner Production434. (通讯作者, IF= 11.1,一区)
15 Han, B.,Yu, Q., Su, W., Yang, J., Qu, J*., & Li, H*. Precipitation weakens the gravesoil fungal richness and species interactions in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Applied soil ecology. 189, 104958. (通讯作者, IF= 5.509,二区期刊).
16 Ruijun Wanyan, Meijing Pan, Zhan Mai, Xiong Xiong, Sijie Wang, Qian Han, Qiaoling Yu, Guitang Wang, Shangong Wu*, Huan Li*. Fate of high-risk antibiotic resistance genes in large-scale aquaculture sediments: Geographical differentiation and corresponding drivers,Science of The Total Environment,905,2023,167068.(通讯作者, IF= 10.753,一区top期刊)
17 Qiaoling Yu; Qian Han; Tongtong Li; Yongping Kou; Xiao Zhang; Yansu Wang; Guoliang Li; Huakun Zhou; Jiapeng Qu; Huan Li. Metagenomics reveals the self-recovery and risk of antibiotic resistomes during carcass decomposition of wild mammals.Environmental Research 238:2023,117222(通讯作者, IF= 8.43,二区top期刊)。
18 Xiaofang Sun, Xiaochen Wang, Qian Han, Qiaoling Yu, Ruijun Wanyan, Huan Li。Bibliometric analysis of papers on antibiotic resistance genes in aquatic environments on a global scale from 2012 to 2022: Evidence from universality, development and harmfulness,Science of The Total Environment, 909:2024, 168597(通讯作者, IF= 10.753,一区top期刊).
19 Binghua Han, Xueying Gan, Shunqin Shi, Xueqian Hu, Xianxian Mu, Qiaoling Yu, Shiheng Zhang*,Huan Li* . Gravesoil fungi are more sensitive than bacteria in response to precipitation.Soil Ecology Letters.(通讯作者,IF= 4,三区)
20 Wang, S., M. Su, X. Hu, X. Wang, Q. Han, Q. Yu, P. Heděnec andH. Li* (2023). Gut diazotrophs in lagomorphs are associated with season but not altitude and host phylogeny.FEMS Microbiology Letters.(通讯作者,IF=2.8,四区)
21 Han, B., Yu, Q., Su, W., Yang, J., Zhang, S., Li, X., &Li, H*. (2023). Deterministic Processes Shape Abundant and Rare Bacterial Communities in Drinking Water.Current Microbiology, 80(4), 111.(通讯作者,IF=2.6,三区)
22 Yu, Q., Yang, J., Su, W., Li, T., Feng, T., &Li, H*(2022). Heavy metals and microbiome are negligible drivers than mobile genetic elements in determining particle-attached and free-living resistomes in the Yellow River.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 424:127564.(通讯作者, IF= 14.224,一区top期刊)
23 Yu, Q., Feng, T., Yang, J., Su, W., Zhou, R., Wang, Y., ... &Li, H*.(2022). Seasonal distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in the Yellow River water and tap water, and their potential transmission from water to human.Environmental Pollution, 118304.(通讯作者, IF= 9.988,二区top期刊).
24 Wanghong Su, Qian Han, Jiawei Yang, Qiaoling Yu, Sijie Wang, Xiaochen Wang, Jiapeng Qu,Huan Li*.(2022). Heavy rainfall accelerates the temporal turnover but decreases the deterministic processes of buried gravesoil bacterial communities.Science of The Total Environment, 836:155732. (通讯作者, IF= 10.753,一区top期刊)
25 Xiaochen Wang, Ruijun Wan-Yan, Jia Su, Qiaoling Yu, Sijie Wang, Qian Han, Xiangzhen Li,Huan Li*. (2022). Corpse decomposition of freshwater economic fish leads to similar resistomes and the enrichment of high-risk antibiotic resistance genes in different water types.Journal of Environmental Management, 320, 115944. (通讯作者, IF= 8.910,一区)
26 Tianshu Feng, Qian Han, Wanghong Su, Qiaoling Yu, Jiawei Yang,Huan Li*. (2022). Microbiota and mobile genetic elements influence antibiotic resistance genes in dust from dense urban public places.Environmental Pollution, 119991, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119991. (通讯作者, IF= 9.988,二区top期刊).
27 Yang J, Wang S, Su W, Yu Q, Wang X, Han Q, Zheng Y, Qu J, Li X,Li H* (2022) Animal Activities of the Key Herbivore Plateau Pika (Ochotona curzoniae) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Affect Grassland Microbial Networks and Ecosystem Functions.Frontiers in microbiology13:950811. (通讯作者, IF= 6.064,二区top期刊)
28 Yu, Q., Li, G., & Li, H*. (2022). Two community types occur in gut microbiota of large‐sample wild plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae).Integrative Zoology. 17: 366–378. (通讯作者, IF= 2.083,二区top期刊)
29 Su, W., Li, T., Yu, Q., Feng, T., Yang, J., Qu, J., ... & Li, H*. (2022). Animal corpse degradation enriches antibiotic resistance genes but remains recalcitrant in drinking water microcosm.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 168, 105372 (通讯作者, IF= 4.907,二区期刊)
30 Su, W., Wang, S., Yang, J., Yu, Q., Wirth, S., Huang, X., ... & Li, H*. (2022). Corpse decay of wild animals leads to the divergent succession of nrfA-type microbial communities.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1-14. (通讯作者, IF= 5.56,二区,top期刊)
31 Yang, J., Su, W., Yu, Q., Shi, Z., Huang, X., Heděnec, P., ... & Li, H*. (2022). The long-term decomposition of wild animal corpses leads to carbon and phosphorus accumulation and disturbs the ecological succession of the denitrification community encoded by narG.Applied Soil Ecology, 175, 104455. (通讯作者, IF= 5.509,二区期刊)
32 Hilal, M. G., Zhou, R., Yu, Q., Wang, Y., Feng, T., Li, X., & Li, H*. (2022). Successions of rare and abundant microbial subcommunities during fish carcass decomposition in a microcosm under the influence of variable factors.FEMS Microbiology Letters. (通讯作者, IF= 2.82,四区).
33 Han B, Ma L, Yu Q, Yang J, Su W, Hilal MG, Li X, Zhang S* and Li H* (2022) The source, fate and prospect of antibiotic resistance genes in soil: A review.Frontiers in microbiology13:976657. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.976657 (通讯作者, IF= 6.064,二区,top期刊)
34 Zhou R, Wang Y, Hilal M G, Yu Q, Feng T &Li H*(2021). Temporal succession of water microbiomes and resistomes during carcass decomposition in a fish model.Journal of Hazardous Materials,123795. (通讯作者,
IF= 14.224,一区top期刊)
35 Yang, J., Li, T., Feng, T., Yu, Q., Su, W., Zhou, R., ... &Li, H*. (2021). Water volume influences antibiotic resistomes and microbiomes during fish corpse decomposition.Science of The Total Environment, 147977. (通讯作者, IF= 10.753,一区top期刊)
36 Yu Q, Zhou R, Wang Y, Su W, Yang J, Feng T, Dou Y,Li H*(2021). Carcass decay deteriorates water quality and modifies the nirS denitrifying communities in different degradation stages.Science of The Total Environment, 147185. (通讯作者, IF= 10.753,一区top期刊)
37 Feng T, Su W, Zhu J, Yang J, Wang Y, Zhou R, Yu Q,Li H*(2021). Corpse decomposition increases the diversity and abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in different soil types in a fish model.Environmental pollution, 286, 117560 (通讯作者, IF= 9.988,二区top期刊)
38 Wang Y, Yu Q, Zhou R, Feng T, Hilal MG ,Li H*(2021). Nationality and body location alter human skin microbiome.Applied microbiology and biotechnology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-021-11387-8. (通讯作者, IF= 5.56,二区,top期刊)
39 Feng T, Hilal M.G, Wang Y, Zhou R, Yu Q, Qu J,Li H*(2021). Differences in Gut Microbiome Composition and Antibiotic Resistance Gene Distribution between Chinese and Pakistani University Students from a Common Peer Group. Microorganisms2021, 9, 1152. (通讯作者, IF= 4.926,三区)
40 Liu K, Chen S, Huang J, Ren F, Yang T, Long D, ..Li H*& Huang X* (2021). Oral Microbiota of Children Is Conserved across Han, Tibetan and Hui Groups and Is Correlated with Diet and Gut Microbiota.Microorganisms, 9(5), 1030. (共同通讯作者,IF=4.926,三区)
41 Hilal,MG; Yu, Q; Zhou, R; Wang, Y; Feng, T; Li, X;Li, H* (2021).Exploring Microbial Communities, Assessment Methodologies and Applications of Animal’s Carcass Decomposition: A Review.FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 94: fiy082 (通讯作者, IF= 4.519,三区)。
42 Zhou R, Yu Q, Li T, Long M, Wang Y, Feng T, ... &Li H*(2021). Carcass decomposition influences the metabolic profiles and enriches noxious metabolites in different water types by widely targeted metabolomics.Chemosphere, 129400.(通讯作者, IF= 8.943,二区,top期刊)
43 Yu Q, Zhou R, Wang Y, Feng T, &Li H *(2020). Corpse decomposition increases nitrogen pollution and alters the succession of nirK-type denitrifying communities in different water types.Science of The Total Environment, 141472. (通讯作者, IF= 10.753,一区,top期刊)
44 Wang Y, Zhou R, Yu Q, Feng T, &Li H*(2020). Gut microbiome adaptation to extreme cold winter in wild plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.FEMS Microbiology Letters,367(16), fnaa134. (通讯作者, IF= 2.82,四区)
45 Li H*, Yu Q, Li T, Shao L, Su M, Zhou H, & Qu J. (2020). Rumen microbiome and metabolome of Tibetan sheep (Ovis aries) reflect animal age and nutritional requirement.Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, 609. (第一作者兼通讯作者, IF= 3.471,二区)
46 Tang GS, Liang XX, Yang MY, Wang TT, Chen JP, Du WG,Li H* and Sun BJ* (2020) Captivity Influences Gut Microbiota in Crocodile Lizards (Shinisaurus crocodilurus).Frontiers in microbiology11:550. (共同通讯作者, IF= 6.064,二区,top期刊)
47 冯天舒,俞巧玲,周蕊,王逸洁,苏军虎*,李欢*.高原鼠兔和高原鼢鼠肠道微生物组及常见抗生素抗性基因的比较.野生动物学报, 2020,41(04):897-911. (通讯作者)
48 Li, H*., Wang, Y., Yu, Q., Feng, T., Zhou, R., Shao, L., Qu, J. *, Li, N., Bo, T., Zhou, H. (2019) Elevation is Associated with Human Skin Microbiomes.Microorganisms7, 611.(第一作者兼通讯作者, IF= 4.962,二区)
49 Li, T., Tian, D., Zhu, Z., Jin, W., Wu, S*., &Li, H*. (2019). The gut microbiota: a new perspective on the toxicity of malachite green (MG).Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1-15(共同通讯作者, IF= 5.56,二区,top期刊)
50 Ji YJ*,Li H*, Xie P F, et al.(2019)Stages of pregnancy and weaning influence the gut microbiota diversity and function in sows.Journal of Applied Microbiology(共同第一作者, IF= 4.059,三区).
51 Li H, Zhou R, Zhu J, et al.(2019)Environmental filtering increases with elevation for the assembly of gut microbiota in wild pikas.Microbial Biotechnology,(第一作者兼通讯作者, IF=6.575,二区).
52 Li H, Li H, Xie P, et al. (2019) Dietary supplementation with fermented Mao-tai lees benefcially affects gut microbiota structure and function in pigsAMB express9: 26. (第一作者, IF=4.126,三区).
53 Li T, Qi M, Gatesoupe F J, Tian D, Jin W, Li J, Lin Q, Wu S*,Li H*. (2019) Adaptation to Fasting in Crucian Carp (Carassius auratus): Gut Microbiota and Its Correlative Relationship with Immune Function.Microbial ecology78(1): 6-19 (共同通讯作者, IF= 4.192,二区)
54 谭春桃,李欢*,曲家鹏*.野生和室内饲养高原鼠兔肠道菌群多样性的比较.草业科学,2019,36(02):531-539.(共同通讯作者)
55 Li H,Li T, Li X, et al. (2018) Gut microbiota in Tibetan herdsmen reflects the degree of urbanization.Frontiers in microbiology9:1745. (第一作者, IF=6.064,二区top期刊).
56 Li H, Qu J, Li T et al. (2018) Diet simplification selects for high gut microbial diversity and strong fermenting ability in high-altitude pikas.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology102:6739-6751 (第一作者, IF= 5.56,二区,top期刊)
57 Li H, Li T, Qu J. (2018) Stochastic processes govern bacterial communities from the blood of pikas and from their arthropod vectors.FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 94: fiy082 (第一作者, IF= 4.519,二区)。
58 Li H, Qu J, Li T et al. (2017) Gut microbiota may predict host divergence time during Glires evolution.FEMS Microbiology Ecology93: fix009 (第一作者, IF= 4.519,二区)
59 Li H, Li T, Berasategui A et al. (2017) Gut region influences the diversity and interactions of bacterial communities in pikas (Ochotona curzoniae and Ochotona daurica)FEMS Microbiology Ecology93: fix149 (第一作者,IF=4.519,二区)
60 Li H, Li T, Tu B et al. (2017) Host species shapes the co-occurrence patterns rather than diversity of stomach bacterial communities in pikas.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology101:5519-5529. (第一作者,IF=5.56,二区,top期刊)
61 Li T*,Li H*, Gatesoupe F et al. (2017) Bacterial signatures of “red-operculum” disease in the gut of crucian carp (Carassius auratus).Microbial Ecology74:510-521(共同第一作者, IF= 4.192,二区)
62 Li H, Qu J, Li T et al. (2016). Pika population density is associated with composition and diversity of gut microbiota.Frontiers in microbiology7:758 (第一作者, IF= 6.064,二区,top期刊)
63 Li H, Li T, Beasley DE et al. (2016) Diet Diversity is associated with beta but not alpha diversity of pika gut microbiota.Frontiers in microbiology7: 1169 (第一作者, IF= 6.064,二区,top期刊)
64 Li H, Li T, Yao M et al. (2016) Pika gut may select for rare but diverse environmental bacteria.Frontiers in microbiology7: 1269 (第一作者, IF= 6.064,二区,top期刊)
65 Li H, Wu S, Wirth S, et al. (2016) Diversity and activity of cellulolytic bacteria, isolated from the gut contents of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus ) (Valenciennes) fed on Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense) or artificial feedstuffs.Aquaculture Research47:153-164 (第一作者, 5 year IF=2.184,三区)
66 Li H, Zhong Q, Wirth S, et al. (2015) Diversity of autochthonous bacterial communities in the intestinal mucosa of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) (Valenciennes) determined by culture-dependent and culture-independent techniques.Aquaculture Research46:2344-2359 (第一作者, 5 year IF=2.184,三区)
67 Sun, X., Han, B., Han, Q. et al. Similarity of Chinese and Pakistani oral microbiome. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 117, 38 (2024). (IF= 2.6,中科院三区)
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74 Heděnec P, Rui J, Lin Q, Yao M, Li J, Li H, Frouz J, Li X.(2017) Functional and phylogenetic response of soil prokaryotic community under an artificial moisture gradient. Applied Soil Ecology 124:372-378 (Co-author, 5 year IF= 3.224).
75 Heděnec P, Singer D, Li J, Yao M, Lin Q, Li H, Kukla T, Frouz J,Rui J, Li X. (2018) Effect of dry-rewetting stress on response pattern of soil prokaryotic communities in alpine meadow soil. Applied Soil Ecology 126: 98-106. (Co-author, 5 year IF= 3.224).
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