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学历:1996年9月-2000年7月就读于甘肃农业大学农学专业,获农学学士学位(导师:李唯教授);2000年9月-2003年6月就读于甘肃农业大学作物遗传育种专业,获农学硕士学位(导师:曹孜义教授);2005年9月-2008年6月就读于兰州大学草业科学专业,获农学博士学位(导师:任继周院士、王锁民教授和英国苏塞克斯大学(University of Sussex) Tim Flowers教授)。

工作经历:2003年7月至今在兰州大学草地农业科技学院工作,先后任助教(2003.7-2006.8)、讲师(2006.9-2009.4)、硕士导师(2008.12-)、副教授(2009.5-2013.4)、博士导师(2012.12-)和教授(2013.5-);先后赴英国苏塞克斯大学(2006.9-12, 2007.7-12)和美国普渡大学(2016.12-2018.7)从事访问学者研究,赴美国德州理工大学(2010.1-2011.1)从事博士后研究。多次赴韩国(2009.8)、澳大利亚(2011.9-10)、德国(2012.9)、葡萄牙(2014.4)、西班牙(2014.4)、卡塔尔(2015.10)、巴基斯坦(2016.1)和加拿大(2019.7)等国参加国际会议并进行学术交流。


科研及获奖情况:在荒漠地区盐生和旱生植物适应逆境的机制、极端生境下植物根际促生菌的挖掘和利用等方面取得多项创新成果。近年来主持国家自然科学基金项目和国家重点研发专题等6项,省部级科研项目10余项,参与完成国家级科研项目13项;在国内外学术刊物发表论文160余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Plant JournalPlant Cell and EnvironmentIndustrial Crops and ProductsJournal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryAgriculture, Ecosystems and Environment等期刊发表SCI论文50篇(其中Top期刊论文18篇);论文被SCI引用2900余次,h指数为29,单篇最高他引210余次,2篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,1篇CSCD论文获得领跑者5000(F5000)论文奖;申报国家发明专利5件(其中已授权4件);在国际和全国性学术会议上作大会报告24次;获甘肃省自然科学一等奖(2012,第2/5完成人)、技术发明二等奖(2017,第5/6完成人)和农牧渔业丰收奖一等奖(2007,第5/12完成人)等科技奖励;曾获中国草学会“王栋奖学金”(2007)、甘肃“青年五四奖章”提名奖(2014)、兰州市“青年科技奖”(2013)等。

人才培养及获奖情况:承担本科生《植物生理学》和研究生《高级植物生理学》等课程的教学工作并积极指导学生科研创新。荣获“挑战杯”甘肃省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖(2013)和特等奖(2015)优秀指导教师、兰州大学“教书育人先进个人”(2009)、“隆基青年教师教学新秀奖”(2013)、青年教师讲课比赛优秀奖(2013)、大学生“创新创业优秀指导教师”(2011, 2012、2013、2014)、“社会实践优秀指导教师”(2011、2014、2021)、“䇹政学者”指导教师(2015、2017、2020、2021、2023)、“优秀共产党员”(2012、2014)等称号。指导的研究生有3位获得中国草学会“王栋奖学金”(2012、2015、2016)、4位获得“研究生国家奖学金”、2位获得甘肃省“优秀研究生论文”;指导本科生分别获得第九届和第十届“挑战杯”甘肃省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖(2013)和特等奖(2015)、第七届“挑战杯”兰州大学大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖(2014)、兰州大学“科研之星”(2013)、“䇹政学者”(2015、2017、2019、2021、2023)和科研创新一、二等奖学金(2013、2014)等。

学术兼职:目前担任中国草学会青年工作委员会常务理事、草业生物技术专业委员会理事和牧草育种专业委员会理事;Plant and SoilFrontiers in Plant ScienceAgronomy《应用生态学报》《草业科学》《草地学报》《南京林业大学学报》和《草学》等期刊编辑或编委;Plant PhysiologyPlant JournalBiotechnology AdvancesPlant and SoilJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry等30余种SCI期刊审稿专家;受聘巴基斯坦COMSATS大学(COMSATS University Islambad)荣誉教授、哈里普尔大学(University of Haripur)客座教授;曾担任第四届草地农业国际学术大会(IGAC 4, 2018)和第九届国际牧草与草坪草分子育种学术研讨会(MBFT 9, 2016)组委会副主席。




1 Zhang MX, Zhao LY, Hu JP, Khan A, Yang XX, Dong QM, Rensing C, Fang XL,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2023) Different grazers and grazing practices alter the growth, soil properties, and rhizosphere soil bacterial communities ofMedicago ruthenicain the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau grassland.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment352: 108522

2 He AL, Zhao LY, Ren W, Li HR, Paré PW, Zhao Q*,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2023) A volatile producingBacillussp. strain from the rhizosphere ofHaloxylon ammodendronpromotes plant growth via regulating root development depending on auxin signaling.Plant and Soil486: 661-680

3 Li HP, Han QQ, Liu QM, Gan YN, Rensing C, Rivera WL, Zhao Q*,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2023)Roles of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in mediating soil legacy phosphorus availability.Microbiological Research272: 127375

4 Cao YH, Ren W, Gao HJ, Lü XP, Zhao Q, Zhang H, Rensing C*,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2023)HaASR2from a desert xero-halophytic shrub,Haloxylon ammodendron, confers plant drought and salt tolerance.Plant Science328:111572

5 Lü ZL, Gao HJ, Chen Y, Lü XP,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2023)Overexpression of HaASR1 from a desert plant,Haloxylon am-modendron, improved salt tolerance ofArabidopsis thaliana.Agronomy13: 1249

6 Zhang J, Chai MF, Shabala S, Wang KH,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2023) Editorial: adaptation mechanisms of grass and forage plants to stressful environments.Frontiers in Plant Science14: 1132198

7 Kang P, Fang X, Hu J, Zhang Y, Ji Q, Liu J, Pan Y*,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2023)Branch lignification of the desert plantNitraria tangutorumaltered the structure and function of endophytic microorganisms. Agronomy 13: 90

8 Xu R,Hu JP, Chen LL, Wang Q, Lü ZL, Hu JJ, Zhao Q, Chang XH,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2023) Food sources may affect the symptom rates of COVID-19, an epidemiological analysis based on the public data in Gansu Province, China, during the summer epidemic cycle in 2022.Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness17(e393): 1-5

9 Zhao ZY, Wang PY, Xiong XB, Zhou R, Zhu Y, Wang YB, Wang N, Wesly K, Xue W, Cao J,Zhang JL(张金林),Tao HY, Xiong YC* (2023) Can shallow-incorporated organic mulching replace plastic film mulching for irrigated maize production systems in arid environments?Field Crops Research297: 108931


10 Han QQ, Wang YP, Li J, Li J, Yin XC, Jiang XY, Yu M, Wang SM, Shabala S*,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2022) The mechanistic basis of sodium exclusion inPuccinellia tenuifloraunder salinity and potassium deprivation conditions.Plant Journal112: 322-338

11 Lü XP, Shao KZ, Xu JY, Li JL, Ren W, Chen J, Zhao LY, Zhao Q,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2022) A heat shock transcription factor gene (HaHSFA1) from a desert shrub,Haloxylon ammodendron, elevates salt tolerance inArabidopsis thaliana.Environmental and Experimental Botany201: 104954

12 Li HP, Gan YN, Yue LJ, Han QQ, Chen J, Liu QM, Zhao Q*,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2022) Newly isolatedPaenibacillus monticolasp. nov., a novel plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria strain from high-altitude spruce forests in the Qilian Mountains, China.Frontiers in Microbiology13: 833313

13 Zhang MX, Bai R, Nan M, Ren W, Wang CM, Shabala S*,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2022) Evaluationofsalt tolerance of oat cultivars and the mechanism of adaptation to salinity.Journal of Plant Physiology273: 153708

14 Wang Q, Ou EL, Wang PC, Chen Y, Wang ZY, Wang ZW, Fang XW*,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2022)Bacillus amyloliquefaciensGB03 augmented tall fescue growth by regulating phytohormone and nutrient homeostasis under nitrogen deficiency.Frontiers in Plant Science13: 979883

15 Cheng J, Jin H,Zhang JL(张金林), Xu Z, Yang X, Liu H, Xu X, Min D, Lu D, Qin B (2022) Effects of allelochemicals, soil enzyme activities, and environmental factors on rhizosphere soil microbial community ofStellera chamaejasmeL. along a growth-coverage gradient.Microorganisms10: 158

16 Balasubramaniam T, Wijewardene Inosha, Hu Rongbin, Shen Guoxin,Zhang JL(张金林), Zhang Hong (2022) Co-overexpression of , PP2A-C5, and AtCLCc inArabidopsis thalianagreatly increases tolerance to salt and drought stresses.Environmental and Experimental Botany200: 104934

17 Song NP*, Pan YQ, Kang Peng, Tan M, Hu JP, Zhang YQ,Zhang JL(张金林),Li XR*(2022) Root exudates and rhizosphere soil bacterial relationships ofNitraria tangutorumare linked to k-strategists bacterial community under salt stress.Frontiers in Plant Science13: 997292

18 李慧萍,甘雅楠,韩庆庆,姚丹,陈佳,张明旭,何傲蕾,张金林*,赵祺* (2022)祁连山青海云杉林根际土壤溶磷细菌菌株的分离鉴定及对白三叶促生效果评价.草地学报30(4): 879-888

19 赵玲玉, 索升州, 赵祺, 姚丹, 李慧萍,Christopher Rensing,张金林*(2022)梭梭根际促生菌(PGPR)菌肥对番茄产量、品质和土壤特性的影响.甘肃农业大学学报57(3): 42-51

20 吕昕培,邵坤仲,李佳吕,陈佳,赵玲玉,任伟,张金林*(2022)高等植物热激转录因子及其在非生物胁迫适应中的作用.应用生态学报33(8): 2286-2296


21 He AL, Niu SQ, Yang D, Ren W, Zhao LY, Sun YY, Meng LS, Zhao Q, Paré PW,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2021) Two PGPR strains from the rhizosphere ofHaloxylon ammodendronpromoted growth and enhanced drought tolerance of ryegrass.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry161: 74-85

22 He AL, Li HR, Zhao Q,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2021)Pseudomonas rhizovicinussp. nov. strain M30-35 isolated from the rhizosphere of a desert shrubHaloxylon ammodendron.Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology114: 1443-1452

23 Yang JW, Zhang N,Zhang JL(张金林), Jin X, Zhu X, Ma R, Li SG, Lui SY, Yue Y, Si HJ (2021) Knockdown of MicroRNA160a/b by STTM leads to root architecture changes via auxin signaling inSolanum tuberosum.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry166: 939-949

24 You LX, Zhang RR, Dai JX, Lin ZT, Li YP, Herzberg M,Zhang JL(张金林), Al-Wathnani H, Zhang CK, Feng RW, Liu H*, Rensing C* (2021) Potential of cadmium resistantBurkholderia contaminansstrain ZCC in promoting growth of soy beans in the presence of cadmium.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety211: 111914

25 Hu JL, Zheng MZ, Dang SZ, Shi M,Zhang JL(张金林), Li YZ (2021) Biocontrol potential ofBacillus amyloliquefaciensLYZ69 against anthracnose of alfalfa (Medicago sativaL.).Phytopathology111(8):1338-1348

26 Kang J, Yu J,Zhang JL(张金林), Xu J, Wang S (2021) Na compound fertiliser improves growth performance, drought resistance, and water-saving efficiency of the succulent xerophyteHaloxylon ammodendronin the Alxa Desert region of China.Australian Journal of Botany69(5): 318-327 (IF2021 = 1.50)

27 杨迪,张凯旋,赵辉,伍小方,杨克理,周美亮*,张金林* (2021)苦荞转录因子FtNAC11的克隆及其功能分析.植物遗传资源学报22(5): 1430-1441

28 程济南,金辉,许忠祥,杨晓燕,秦波,张金林*(2021)甘肃典型高寒草原退化植物瑞香狼毒对根际土壤微生物群落的影响研究.微生物学报61(11): 3686-3704

29 陈佳,缑晶毅,赵祺,韩庆庆,李慧萍,姚丹,张金林*(2021)梭梭根际根瘤菌对紫花苜蓿生长及耐盐性的影响.南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) 45(6): 99-110


30 Gao HJ, Lü XP, Ren W, Sun YY, Zhao Q, Wang G, Wang RJ, Wang YP, Zhang H, Wang SM, Meng LS,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2020)HaASR1gene cloned from a desert shrub,Haloxylon ammodendron, confers drought tolerance in transgenicArabidopsis thaliana.Environmental and Experimental Botany180: 10425

31 Gou JY, Suo SZ, Zhao Q, Shao KZ, Yao D, Li HP,Zhang JL*(张金林), Christopher Rensing (2020) Biofertilizers with beneficial rhizobacteria improved plant growth and yield in chili (Capsicum annuumL.).World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology36:86

32 Li HP, Yao D, Shao KZ, Han QQ, Gou JY, Zhao Q*,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2020)Altererythrobacter rhizovicinussp. nov., isolated from the rhizosphere soil ofHaloxylon ammodendron. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology70(1): 680-686

33 Yu F, Wan W, Lü MJ,Zhang JL*(张金林),Meng LS* (2020) Molecular mechanism underlying the effect of the intraspecific alternation of seed size on plant drought tolerance.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry68(3): 703-711

34 Li F, Shi TL, He AL, Huang XL, Gong JY, Yi Y*,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2020)BacillusamyloliquefaciensLZ04 improves the resistance ofArabidopsis thalianato high calcium stress and the potential role of lncRNA-miRNAmRNA regulatory network in the resistance.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry151: 166-180

35 Li Y, Wang X, Li Y, Zhang Y, Gou Z, Qi X*,Zhang J*(张金林)(2020) Transcriptomic analysis revealed the common and divergent responses of maize seedling leaves to cold and heat stresses.Genes11: 881

36 Zhang JL*(张金林), Bai R, Flowers TJ, Wang CM, Wetson AM, Duan HR, He AL, Gurmani AR, Wang SM* (2020) Dynamic Responses of the Halophyte Suaeda maritima to Various Levels of External NaCl Concentration. In: Grigore M-N (ed) Handbook of Halophytes: From Molecules to Ecosystems towards Biosaline Agriculture. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp 1-22https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-17854-3_58-1

37 Kang JJ, Zhang XW, Zhang JQ,Zhang JL(张金林), Wang SM* (2020) Special organic fertilizer for improving soil fertilization and xerophyteHaloxylon ammodendrongrowth in the nursery and afforestation in desert regions of China.Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition20: 2241-2252 (IF2021 = 3.61)

38 姚丹,牛舒琪,韩庆庆,赵祺,李慧萍,缑晶毅,曹靖,张金林*(2020)梭梭根际促生细菌调控黑麦草耐盐性的研究.生态学报:40(20): 7419-7429

39 边佳辉,刘自扬,李宗英,赵媛媛,唐益雄,孙占敏,张金林*,吴燕民*(2020)紫花苜蓿基因工程改良研究进展.草业科学37(1): 139-155

40 汪永平,张金林*(2020) SUMO E3连接酶在植物适应非生物胁迫中的作用研究进展.生物技术通报36(2):169-177

41 孙韵雅,陈佳,王悦,程济南,韩庆庆,赵祺,李惠茹,李慧萍,何傲蕾,缑晶毅,吴永娜,牛舒琪,索升州,李静,张金林*(2020)根际促生菌促生机理及其增强植物抗逆性研究进展.草地学报28(5): 1203-1215

42 任伟,高慧娟,王润娟,吕昕培,张金林*(2020)高等植物适应干旱生境研究进展.草学(3): 4-15

43 张金林,任伟,陆妮,赵祺,王锁民,包爱科,马清(2020)疫情防控期间开展线上教学的经验和体会浅析——以《植物生理学》课程为例.教育现代化: 7(71): 18-23


44 Lü XP, Gao HJ, Zhang L, Wang YP, Shao KZ, Zhao Q,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2019) Dynamic responses ofHaloxylon ammodendronto various degrees of simulated drought stress.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry139:121-131

45 Gao L, Tian Y, Chen MC,Zhang JL(张金林), Wang SM* (2019) Cloning and functional characterization of epidermis-specific promoterMtML1fromMedicago truncatula.Journal of Biotechnology300:32-39

46 Cui YN, Wang FZ, Yang CH, Yuan JZ, Guo H,Zhang JL, Wang SM, Qing Ma(2019) Transcriptomic profiling identifies candidate genes involved in salt tolerance of the xerophytePugionium cornutum.Genes10(12): 1039

47 Sun P, Kang TL, Xing H, Zhang Z, Yang DL,Zhang JL(张金林), Paré PW, Li MF (2019) Phytochemical changes in aerial parts ofHypericum perforatumat different harvest stages.Records of Natural Products13(1): 1-9

48 Wang Q, Guan C, Wang P, Ma Q, Bao AK,Zhang JL(张金林), Wang SM* (2019) The Effect of AtHKT1;1 or AtSOS1 Mutation on the Expressions of Na+or K+Transporter Genes and Ion Homeostasis inArabidopsis thalianaunder Salt Stress.International Journal of Molecular Sciences20:1085

49 高慧娟,吕昕培,王润娟,任伟,程济南,汪永平,邵坤仲,张金林*(2019)转录组测序在植物抗逆性研究中的应用.草业学报28(12): 184-196

50 缑晶毅,索升州,姚丹,韩庆庆,何傲蕾,张金林*(2019)微生物肥料研究进展及其在农业生产中的应用.安徽农业科学47:13-17


51 Meng LS, Li Cong, Xu Meng-Ke, Sun XD, Wan W, Cao XY,Zhang JL*(张金林), Chen KM* (2018) Arabidopsis ANGUSTIFOLIA3 (AN3) 1 is associated with the promoter of CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1) in regulating light-mediated stomatal development.Plant Cell and Environment41:1645-1656

52 Li MF, Sun P, Kang TL, Xing H, Yang DL,Zhang JL*(张金林), Paré PW* (2018) Mapping podophyllotoxin biosynthesis and growth-related transcripts with high elevation inSinopodophyllum hexandrum.Industrial Crops and Products124: 510-518

53 Li MF, Ge L, Kang TL, Sun P, Xing H, Yang DL,Zhang JL*(张金林), Paré PW* (2018)High-elevation cultivation increases anti-cancer podophyllotoxin accumulation inPodophyllum hexandrum.Industrial Crops and Products121: 338-344

54 He AL, Niu SQ, Zhao Q, Li YS, Gou JY, Gao HJ, Suo SZ,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2018)Induced salt tolerance of perennial ryegrass by a novel bacterium strain from the rhizosphere of a desert shrubHaloxylon ammodendron.International Journal of Molecular Sciences19: 469

55 Gao HJ, Lü XP, Zhang L, Qiao Y, Zhao Q,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2018)Transcriptomic profiling and physiological analysis ofHaloxylon ammodendronin response to osmotic stress.International Journal of Molecular Sciences19:84

56 Jiang HY,Zhang JL(张金林), Yang JW, Ma HL (2018) Transcript profiling and gene identification involved in the ethylene signal transduction pathways of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) during ISR response induced by butanediol.Molecules23: 706

57 Li MF,Paré PW,Zhang JL(张金林), Kang TL, Zhang Z, Yang DL, Wang KP, Xing H (2018) Antioxidant capacity connection with phenolic and flavonoid content in Chinese medicinal herbs.Records of Natural Products12(3): 239-250

58 Gurmani AR, Khan SU, Ali A, Rubab T, Schwinghamer T, Jilani G, Farid A,Zhang JL(张金林)(2018)Salicylic acid and kinetin mediated stimulation of salt tolerance in cucumber (Cucumis sativusL.) genotypes varying in salinity tolerance.Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology59: 461-471


59 Su AY, Liu YZ, Niu SQ, He AL, Zhao Q, Han QQ, Lü XP, Paré PW, Sardar AK,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2017) Synergy effects of beneficial soil bacteriumBacillus amyloliquefaciens(GB03) and water retaining agent on drought tolerance of perennial ryegrass.International Journal of Molecular Sciences18: 2651

60 Zhao Q, Li HR, He AL, Han QQ, Nie CY, Wang SM,Zhang Jin-Lin*(张金林)(2017)Altererythrobacter soli sp. nov., isolated from desert sand sample.International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology67: 454-459

61 Han QQ, Wu YN, Gao HJ, Xu R, Paré PW, Shi H, Zhao Q, Li HR, Sardar AK, Wang YQ, Wang SM,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2017) Improved salt tolerance of medicinal plantCodonopsis pilosulabyBacillus amyloliquefaciensGB03.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum39:35

62 Bai JP*, Mao J, Yang HY, Khand A, Fanc A, Liuc S, Zhang JL, Wang D, Gao HJ,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2017) Sucrose non-ferment 1 related protein kinase 2 (SnRK2) genes could mediate the stress responses in potato (Solanum tuberosumL.).BMC Genetics18:41

63 Zhang WD, Wang P, Bao Z, Ma Q, Duan LJ, Bao AK,Zhang JL(张金林), Wang SM* (2017) SOS1, HKT1;5 and NHX1 Synergistically modulate Na+homeostasis in the halophytic grassPuccinellia tenuiflora.Frontiers in Plant Science8: 576

64 吕昕培,张吉平,李永生,何傲蕾,王锁民,张金林*(2017)内蒙古科尔沁草原不同植物生境土壤盐分特征研究.草地学报25(4): 626-632


65 Niu SQ,Li HR,Paré PW,Aziz M, Wang SM, Shi HZ, Li J, Han QQ,Guo SQ,Li J,Guo Q, Ma Q,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2016)Induced growth promotion and higher salt tolerance in the halophyte grassPuccinellia tenuifloraby beneficial rhizobacteria.Plant and Soil407:217-230

66 Zhao Q, Wu YN, Fan Q, Han QQ, Paré PW, Xu R,Wang YQ, Wang SM,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2016)Improved growth and metabolites accumulation inCodonopsis pilosula(Franch.) Nannf. by inoculation ofBacillus amyloliquefaciensGB03.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry64: 8103-8108

67 Wu YN, Feng YL, Paré PW, Chen YL, Xu R, Wu S, Wang SM, Zhao Q, Li HR, Wang YQ,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2016) Beneficial soil microbeBacillus subtilis(GB03) promotes seed germination, growth and photosynthesis inCodonopsis pilosula.Crop & Pasture Science67(1): 91-98

68 Wang CM,Xia ZR,Wu GQ,Yuan HJ, Wang XR, Li JH, Tian FP,Zhang Q,Zhu XQ,He JJ, Kumar T, Wang XL*,Zhang JL*(张金林) (2016) TheCoordinated regulation of Na+and K+inHordeum brevisubulatumresponding to time of salt stress.Plant Science252: 358-366

69 Bai JP, Gao HJ, Yang HY, Lou Y, Zhang JL, Wang D, ZhangJL*(张金林)(2016) Comparison of ultrastructural and physiological responses of potato (Solanum tuberosumL.) plantlets to salt and model drought stresses.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum38: 182

70 Aziz M, Nadipalli R, Xie X, Sun Y,Surowiec K,Zhang JL(张金林),Paré PW (2016) Augmenting sulfur metabolism and herbivore defense inArabidopsisby bacterial volatile signaling.Frontiers in Plant Science7: 458

71 Ma Q, Bao AK, Chai WW, Wang WY,Zhang JL(张金林), Li XY, Wang SM (2016) Transcriptomic analysis of the succulent xerophyteZygophyllum xanthoxylumin response to salt treatment and osmotic stress.Plant and Soil402: 343-361

72 Pan YQ, Guo H, Wang SM, Zhao BY,Zhang JL(张金林), Ma Q, Bao AK (2016) The photosynthesis, Na+/K+homeostasis and osmotic adjustment ofAtriplex canescensin response to salinity.Frontiers in Plant Science7: 848

73 Hu J, Ma Q, Kumar T, Duan HR,Zhang JL(张金林),Yuan HJ, Wang Q, Khan SA, Wang P, Wang SM (2016)ZxSKORis important forsalinity and droughttolerance ofZygophyllum xanthoxylumby maintaining K+homeostasis.Plant Growth Regulation80(2): 195-205

74 Li S, Su L, Ma S, Shi Z, Zhang Z, Liu H,Zhang JL(张金林),Yang X, Sun Z (2016) The impacts of exogenous H2O2on primary root horizontal bending of pea (Pisum sativumL.).Plant Growth Regulation78: 287-296

75 牛舒琪,何傲蕾,丁新宇,韩庆庆,杨浩,吕昕培,赵祺,冯玉兰,张金林*(2016)枯草芽孢杆菌GB03与保水剂互作对小花碱茅生长和耐盐性的影响.植物生理学报53(3):285-292


76 Gao HJ, Yang HY, Bai JP, Lou Y, Zhang Jun-Lian, Wang D*,Zhang JL*(张金林), Niu SQ, Chen YL(2015)Ultrastructural and physiological responses ofpotato (Solanum tuberosumL.) plantlets to gradient saline stress.Frontiers in Plant Science5: 787

77 Wu GQ, Shui QZ, Wang CM,Zhang JL(张金林), Yuan HJ, Li SJ, Liu ZJ (2015)Characteristics ofNa+uptake in sugar beet (Beta vulgarisL.) seedlings under mild salt conditions.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum37(4): 70-76

78 Wang Q, Guan C, Wang P, Lv ML, Ma Q, Wu GQ, Bao AK,Zhang JL(张金林), Wang SM (2015) AtHKT1;1 and AtHAK5 mediate low-affinity Na+uptake inArabidopsis thalianaunder mild salt stress.Plant Growth Regulation75: 615-623

79 Duan HR, Ma Q,Zhang JL(张金林),Hu J, Bao AK, Wei L, Wang Q, Luan S, Wang SM (2015) The inward-rectifying K+channel SsAKT1 is a candidate involved in K+uptake in the halophyteSuaeda salsaunder saline condition.Plant and Soil395(1): 173-187

80 张金林*,李惠茹,郭姝媛,王锁民,施华中,韩庆庆,包爱科,马清(2015)高等植物适应盐逆境研究进展.草业学报24(12): 220-236


81 Han QQ, Lü XP,Bai JP, Qiao Y, Paré PW, Wang SM,Zhang JL*(张金林),Wu YN, Pang XP, Xu WB, Wang ZL (2014)Beneficial soil bacteriumBacillus subtilis(GB03) augments salt tolerance of white clover.Frontiers in Plant Science5: 525

82 Zhang JL*(张金林), Aziz M, Qiao Y, Han QQ, Li J, Wang YQ, Shen X, Wang SM, Paré PW* (2014)Soil microbeBacillus subtilis(GB03) induces biomass accumulation and salt tolerance with lowersodium accumulation in wheat.Crop and Pasture Science65: 423-427

83 Wang YQ,Zhang JL(张金林), Schuchardt F, Wang Y (2014)Degradation of morphine in opium poppy processing waste composting.Bioresource Technology168: 235-239

84 Ma Q, Li XY, Yuan HJ, Hu J, Wei L, Bao AK,Zhang JL(张金林), Wang SM (2014)ZxSOS1 is essential for long-distance transport and spatial distribution of Na+and K+in the xerophyteZygophyllum xanthoxylum.Plant and Soil374: 661-676

85 Bao AK, Wang YW, Xi JJ, Liu C,Zhang JL(张金林), Wang SM (2014)Co-overexpression of xerophyteZygophyllum xanthoxylumZxNHXandZxVP1-1enhances salt and drought tolerance in transgenicLotus corniculatusby increasing cations accumulation.Functional Plant Biology41: 203-214

86 张灵,段慧荣,李静,吴永娜,张金林* (2014)旱生植物梭梭Actin基因片段的克隆及表达模式分析.基因组学与应用生物学33(3): 1-6

87 韩庆庆,贾婷婷,吕昕培,李惠茹,李静,赵祺,王锁民,张金林*(2014)枯草芽孢杆菌GB03调控紫花苜蓿耐盐性的研究.植物生理学报50(9): 1423-1428

88 李静,韩庆庆,段丽婕,王沛,李惠茹,王锁民,张金林* (2014)非损伤微测技术在植物生理学研究中的应用.植物生理学报50(10): 1445-1452

89 雒军,王引权*,李静,温随超,张金林*,夏琦(2014)当归苯丙氨酸解氨酶基因片段克隆和组织特异性表达分析.草业学报23(4): 130-137

90 雒军,王引权*,温随超,张金林*,夏琦(2014)当归DXR基因保守区克隆和组织特异性表达分析.中草药45(13):1907-1913


91 Zhang JL(张金林),Wang SM,Flowers TJ (2013)Differentiation oflow-affinityNa+uptake pathways and kinetics of the effects of K+on Na+uptake in the halophyteSuaeda maritima.Plant and Soil368: 629-640

92 Zhang JL(张金林), Shi HZ (2013)Physiological and molecular mechanisms of plant salt tolerance.Photosynthesis Research115: 1-22

93 Gurmani AR, Bano A, Najeeb U,Zhang JL(张金林),Khan SU, Flowers TJ (2013)Exogenously applied silicate and abscisic acid ameliorates the growth of salinity stressed wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) seedlings through Na+exclusion.Australian Journal of Crop Science7(8): 1123-1130

94 李剑,张金林*,王锁民,郭强(2013)小花碱茅PutHKT2;1基因全长cDNA的克隆与生物信息学分析.草业学报22(2): 140-149


95 Guo Q, Wang P, Ma Q,Zhang JL(张金林),Bao AK, Wang SM (2012)Selective transport capacity for K+over Na+is linked to the expression levels of PtSOS1 in halophytePuccinellia tenuiflora.Functional Plant Biology39: 1047-1057

96 Ma Q, Yue LJ,Zhang JL(张金林),Wu GQ, Bao AK, Wang SM (2012)Sodium chloride improves photosynthesis and water status in the succulent xerophyteZygophyllum xanthoxylum.Tree Physiology32(1): 4-13

97 Yue LJ, Li SX, Ma Q, Zhou XR, Wu GQ, Bao AK,Zhang JL(张金林), Wang S.M. (2012)NaCl stimulates growth and alleviates water stress in the xerophyteZygophyllum xanthoxylum.Journal of Arid Environments87: 153-160

98 吴永娜,胡静,王引权,李剑,张金林* (2012)当归肌动蛋白基因片段的克隆及序列分析.中草药43(12): 2485-2489

99 李剑,张金林*(2012)拒盐型牧草小花碱茅PutHKT2;1基因表达模式分析.草业科学29(9): 1379-1383


100 Gurmani AR, Bano A, Khan SU, Din J,Zhang JL*(张金林)(2011)Alleviation of salt stress by seed treatment with abscisic acid (ABA), 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and chlormequat chloride (CCC) optimizes ion and organic matter accumulation and increases yield of rice (Oryza sativaL.).Australian Journal of CropScience5(10):1278-1285

101 Zhang JL(张金林),Wetson AM, Wang SM, Gurmani AR, Bao AK, Wang CM (2011)Factors associated with determination of root22Na+influx in the salt accumulation halophyteSuaeda maritima.Biological Trace Element Research139(1): 108-117

102 Wu GQ,Xi JJ, Wang Q, Bao AK, Ma Q,Zhang JL(张金林),Wang SM (2011) TheZxNHXgene encoding vacuolar Na+/H+antiporter in the xerophyteZygophyllum xanthoxylumplays important roles in response to salt and drought.Journal of Plant Physiology168: 758–767

103 Paré PW, Zhang HM, Aziz M, Xie XT, Kim MS, Shen X,Zhang JL(张金林)(2011) Beneficial rhizobacteria induce plant growth: mapping signaling networks inArabidopsis.Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms,Soil Biology23(2): 403-412

104 吴永娜,李剑,许瑞,王引权,张延红,王惠珍,张金林*(2011)党参肌动蛋白基因片段的克隆及序列分析.中草药42(12): 2518-2522

105 李剑,赵常玉,吴永娜,马清,郭强,王锁民,张金林*(2011)小花碱茅HKT1;4基因片段的克隆与序列分析.草业科学28(6): 969-973

106 徐建华,于健龙,伍国强,王锁民,张金林*(2011)钠复合肥增强荒漠植物梭梭抗旱性的研究.草业科学28(6): 1025-1029


107 Zhang JL(张金林),Flowers TJ, Wang SM (2010) Mechanisms of sodium uptake by roots of higher plant.Plant and Soil, 326(1): 45-60

108 Zhang JL(张金林),Ma JF, Cao ZY (2009)Screening of cold-resistant seedlings of a Chinese wild grape (Vitis piasezkiiMaxim Var.pagnucii) native to loess plateau of eastern Gansu province, China, as rootstocks.Scientia Horticulturae, 122: 125-128

109 Wang CM,Zhang JL(张金林), Liu XS, Li Z, Wu GQ, Cai JY, Flowers TJ, Wang SM (2009)Puccinellia tenuifloramaintains a low Na+level under salt stress by limiting unidirectional Na+influx resulting in a high selectivity for K+over Na+.Plant Cell and Environment, 32, 486-496

110 Bao AK, Wang SM, Wu GQ, Xi JJ,Zhang JL(张金林),Wang CM(2009) Overexpression of theArabidopsisH+-PPase enhanced the salt and drought tolerance in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativaL.).Plant Science, 176: 232-240

111 Wang SM,Zhang JL(张金林), Flowers TJ* (2007) Low-affinity Na+uptake in the halophyteSuaeda maritima.Plant Physiology, 145(2): 559-571

112 Zhang JL(张金林),Xu R, Wang SM, Cao ZY, Ren JZ (2006)Factors affectingin vitropropagation of a Chinese wild grape(Vitis piasezkiiMaxim.Var.pagnucii(Planch.)Rehd.):shoot production and rhizogenesis.New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 34(3): 217-223 (IF2021 = 1.094)

113 李剑,赵常玉,张富生,王锁民,包爱科,张金林*(2010)LEA蛋白与植物抗逆性.植物生理学通讯46(11): 1101-1108

114 王生银,张永超,李莉,张金林*,王春梅,郭强,包爱科(2009)拒盐型盐生植物小花碱茅(Puccinellia tenuiflora)肌动蛋白基因片段的克隆及序列分析.基因组学与应用生物学28(4): 673-677

115 张金林,王锁民,陈托兄,徐震,严学兵,陆妮(2008)烯效唑(S3307)对大麦Na+、K+选择性和游离脯氨酸分配的影响.麦类作物学报28(4): 655-660

116 张金林,石明辉,许瑞,李唯,王锁民(2007)提高春小麦幼胚离体培养中愈伤组织诱导及分化效率的研究.中国农学通报23(4): 49-53

117 张金林,王锁民,陈托兄(2006)6-苄氨基嘌呤(BA)和脱落酸(ABA)对大麦Na+、K+选择性和游离脯氨酸分配的调节.草业学报15 (5): 63-69

118 张金林,陈托兄,严学兵,陆妮,王锁民(2006)烯效唑(S3307)对湖南稷子整株水平Na+、K+选择性和游离脯氨酸分配的影响.草业学报15(2): 42-47

119 王月梅,张金林*,司宗信(2006)甘肃省草地资源退化原因及草地生态系统恢复途径.中国农学通报22(8): 495-498

120 张金林,王锁民,许瑞,曹孜义(2005)植物微嫁接技术的研究及应用.植物生理学通讯41(2): 247-252

121 张金林,陈托兄,王锁民(2004)阿拉善荒漠区几种抗旱植物游离氨基酸和游离脯氨酸分布特征.中国沙漠24(4): 493-499





E-mail: jlzhang@lzu.edu.cn
